Windhelm Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Windhelm is the capital of the The Night's Watch . Its stern stone walls stand out against the rough waves that surge on its harbour. In this city the typical northern architecture is combined with Gothic fine craftmanship. This is clearly visible in the fortified citadel at the center of the city. Originally on the edge of the Kingdom, Windhelm has risen to prominence as the capital of the Watchlands. In the docks the Windhelm Trading Company reigns, while its production has always been organized according to the rigid guild system. At the foot of The Dauer Mountains this city is truly the gateway to the Watchlands.


The trade in the city is regulated by the Windhelm Trading Company , while the production is organized by the rigid guild system.


The city is reigned over by a chaptermaster. He confers with the guilds and the Board of the Windhelm Trading Company about most matters


Strong stone walls, Ancient Citadel in the center of the City

Industry & Trade

Iron, Grain, Beer, Fish, Wool, Stone, Steel, Textile, Weapons & Armour, Pottery, Enchantments


College of Windhelm, Harbour district
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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