Cheek, the Raron King (ra.ɾon kɪŋ)

the raron king

  The Raron King is a spokesperson for the gods at Lake Raro. They handle affairs related to trade and politics with neighboring peoples as well as internal ones such as local worship and resource allocation.


Would-be Kings spend their time learning local history, gathering knowledge about the people who live there, and learning several religious rituals to prepare for rule. Normal schooling for children at Lake Raro covers the very basics, and people who intend to be King have to seek out more advanced study with elders in the town.


The Raron King must be a citizen of Lake Raro and have never lived elsewhere. There is no species requirement, although to date there have only ever been Rarite kings. If a Sela, Ildoar, or Teronura lived in Lake Raro their entire life, they would still be eligible.


To be crowned, the elemental gods themselves must speak through you. The exact way this manifests varies from King to King, but clairvoyance and premonition are the most common methods. Telepathy is another. Clairvoyance and premonition are useful assets for the King to ascertain the troubles of his people so that the gods themselves are grounded in their worshippers' lives.


The greatest duty the Raron King has is to facilitate the worship of the gods. These can mean erecting new temples on their behalf, leading religious rituals, and proselytizing their beliefs. The gods of Raro do not demand singular loyalty, but they are always eager to see new worshippers.


Lake Raro is home to many resources that require additional refining in order to be useful, such as gold and gemstones. Now that the lake can house Snails again, they are less dependent on the Veinhouses for basic resources like food, and allocating these basic resources and ensuring that everyone has enough food to survive is a responsibility that Raron Kings are expected to take very seriously.   Raron Kings oversee major religious rituals and events on major holidays. The King "brings" the gods to these events and the gods will speak through the King to direct future action amongst their worshippers.


Raron Kings live in the King's Compound and do not have to pay taxes like the typical Raron citizen. The Compound is located adjacent to the largest temple in the city.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The King rules until their death. It is possible for a King to be stripped of their role, but the offenses must be egregious, such as
  • ignoring the gods' will,
  • spending tax money for personal gain,
  • or refusing to attend religious ceremonies
Royalty, Honorific / Ceremonial
In effect
Form of Address
Great Eyed
Alternative Naming
Great Eyed One
Equates to
The Raron King equates to the roles of Duarch in Kugma and Iwati, the Veinlords to the North, and the greatest priest of the Yalisi religion. All have near absolute power and are not bound to the people's word. They serve a god that speaks through them and enacts their will through royal authority.
Source of Authority
Rarite people
Length of Term


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