
Gatherers are a farmers' network dedicated to feeding people for free. These farmers grow desert plants, such as dfiioony fruit and grasses, and install "vegetation stations" in the cities around Lake Raro. These vegetation stations offer free fresh produce to local families.   The name refers to both the act of gathering and harvesting plants and the crowds that congregate around open shops.


There is no formal organization. The original stations were built by a close-knit group of farmers, but the idea caught on and spread far beyond them. There are no elected leaders and each station is fueled independently. Some stations are not manned at all times. It is up to the individual Gatherer to provide for their community as best as they can.


Gatherers are independent farmers working to better their communities. There's a strong emphasis on equity and caring for the basic needs of others regardless of who they are or what their deal is. Besides their community-mindedness, Gatherers are often extroverted and encourage deep conversations with their customers because they are fellow members of the community. When one struggles, all struggle.

Public Agenda

Besides the basic goal of distributing food, the Gatherers use their stalls and shops as an opportunity to recruit new agricultural workers. Many jobs are hard, but Gatherers remind others that it is fulfilling work, and because everyone works to take care of everyone else, it's acceptable to let someone else do the work. As long as there was someone else to do the work.   The number of Gatherers have only increased with time since the Dry Age ended. The increase of supply matched an increase of demand as populations grew faster with the return of the Lake Raro waters.


When an influx of immigrants arrived from Kugmak after a disastrous earthquake displaced them, a group of four farmers decided to pop up stalls in a public area and offer surplus produce to affected families.   The name "vegetation station" was coined by one of the original farmers' children after being told what it was they were harvesting extra dfiioony trees for.


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