
the main island of Yalisi

  Mozu is one of three major islands in the Yalisi Empire. Mozu is the largest, and the city of Yalisi is on top of it. While there are more metallic resources on the main continent, there were miners who accidentally exposed wormstone to the public, which necessitated the erection of the temple Najibu, or God Rock, to prevent mass mutation of nonconsenting peoples.


Mozu is the largest of the Yalisi islands, located to the south of the main continent of Fuma. Because of its size, it has a host of various biomes that are supported, along with the wormstone mine found near its population center, Yalisi itself. At its widest point, it is approximately 180 miles long but has two small bays, one to the north and one to the south.


The north of Mozu is dominated by rainforests. To the southeast are wetlands with much anaerobic soil. The north of the island receives the most rainfall, classifying it as a tropical rainforest, while the rest of the island is considered a temperate rainforest. It is warm and humid most of the year with very little seasonal change, as it is near the equator of Mutania.

Natural Resources

Wormstone is the primary resource of the island. Farms for grains and fish exist on the nearby island of Kepe and the smallest island, Labu, is too small to host many natural resources. Because of wormstone's role in the Vopa priesthood, it is a very valuable but dangerous export, and is only exported in small quantities, carried by stonecarts or by priests onto the mainland.
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