
What Vdartaadruu is to the west, Nuromiboudi is to the east. A town humbly named for its easterly location in a bay of the Mibo Gulf, to its inhabitants and tourists it is so much more. There is a wide variety of entertainment venues that appeal to different audiences, but the most popular attraction is the Wheel.  

the wheel

On a boardwalk that juts out into the water, a central axis rises up from the ground. A giant wheel is laid on its side so that it can rotate freely around the axis. Instead of seats to support people riding on it, there are only a series of straps and oddly shaped handholds glued onto it for people to hold onto. Luckily, the real insurance that people do not fall off is the magic performed by ride operators to keep them attached. The straps are there for comfort, but daredevils may find themselves ignoring them entirely and relying exclusively on the magic to keep them from spinning off into the ocean.   Half of the wheel is covered by the boardwalk while the other half looms over the edge. Thrillseekers of all ages can spin to their heart's content. At least until their turn is over and the next group of riders is invited on.  

night life

The Wheel is great for tourists and adventurers, but everyone appreciates the night life. There are places to acquire intoxicating substances and enjoy light shows and colorful fountains. Because the city is right along the water, there are also plenty of opportunities for night fishing. Unfortunately, the combination of intoxicating substances and being on a boat can lead to disaster, so there are strict rules before one can rent a boat to do so.


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