River Magic

magic of the veinlords

  The zibeke, or soul of the river, grants the Veinlord special powers, called river magic. There are only a handful of Veinlords, corresponding to the Veins in the southeast of the continent of Fuma. The river magic is an expansive magic that does not require any sound trigger, but is created by channeling the power of the river itself into effecting changes.   River magic is one of the very few forces capable of bringing the dead back to life, but it does not work on sapient people.


River magic was discovered by Nopa Ngute, the first Veinlord, when the zibeke of the Gheh̨u River possessed them. Nopa was able to perform seemingly miraculous changes: the entire movement of the river was stilled into something as still as a lake and the fish that had died in the frothing water were revived.   Since Nopa's original miracle, the zibeke taught them how to perform smaller miracle while channeling the river's power. They never wrote down the lessons they learned because this was before the idea of a line of succession came to be. Nopa had to discover the limits of their powers on their own, and they eventually communicate this to their successor when that became known, but it wasn't until their death that the next Veinlord decided to actually write down the limitations.   It was discovered when other Veins, or great rivers, began to transfer their zibeke into their respective Veinlords that it became clear that the limitations of the power were actually dependent on the power of the river itself. Because Gheh̨u is the largest river, it has the most power, and is actually the only one capable of raising multiple dead things back to life. Other rivers can only revive things one thing at a time.


Unlike other forms of magic, river magic does not require a sound trigger. It works by channeling the zibeke, which requires concentration and intention, allowing the zibeke's power to manifest in the world.
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