
Everything about Sela is big. They are tall creatures, over ten feet tall, and have large elephant-seal-like noses (with funny wriggly bits at the ends, similar to the Ildoar's noses). They have tails to help keep their balance as they stand so tall and broad. Their four eyes, arranged horizontally, are large, too. Their whiskers are long and extend far out from the sides of their faces. Their feet are large and flat and their hands have four large fingers. Egg-laying Sela are smaller than non-egg-laying Sela, but not by a substantial margin, as they are all just very big.   Their bodies are covered in short fur, striped or speckled with earthy red tones. Some say that their fur has patterns similar to tree bark, knots and all, but it is less common for Sela to have spots that large.


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