
vopa religious vehicle

  Stonecarts are used by members of the Vopa priesthood to carry large amounts of wormstone from one place to another. Because of the risks of serious transformation, some that may go above and beyond the typical person to withstand and continue every day life, it is very important that the stone is handled carefully. Stonecarts are small vehicles with four wheels and rectangular walls made of several inches of wood that completely encase the cart. Inside the main carriage, there are flat boards used to help guide the stone or the people carrying it easily inside, where it can be locked tight for transparent.   The outsides of the carts are usually decorated ornately with wood carvings of animals and famous stories, including that of Sumiga and Lope. Fingers and hands are a common motif.


The stonecarts are drawn by hand. The carts are generally used for short distances, usually staying within the main island where the city of Yalisi is located, and the pieces of wormstone are often large enough to usually be carried outright, so there isn't a great need for secondary propulsion.


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