
Mope Vubopa

the first priest of the yalisi religion

  Sumiga was a healing magician that became the Mope Vubopa, or First Priest, of the Vopa, a priesthood that began in Yalisi after the discovery of wormstone. They were the first to discover the connection between the stone and the transformations that were happening to the bodies of the townspeople. While others fled, Sumiga stayed behind to heal their patients. When they tried to use magic to revert a transformation, the magic ricocheted and Pemija granted them visions that became the Parasoza, the foundational texts of the Vopa. They led the early church and oversaw the creation of the temple Najibu, the God Rock, to control the transformative power of Pemija's children.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite the many transformations, Sumiga is generally fit, mobile, and has basic sensory functions.

Body Features

Originally, Sumiga appeared as a normal Teronura: six legs, rattles on long tails, stripes of scales and fur, webbed arms, four eyes arranged horizontally, and multiple pairs of whiskers. Wormstone, both in the initial exposure and later when spreading the teachings of Pemija, transformed their body. They lost two of their eyes and gained two more limbs, ones without webbing. Their whiskers fell off and were replaced with short tentacles with sensory organs inside.

Physical quirks

Once their whiskers disappeared, they replaced sniffing with small head shakes to give the tentacles on their face more stimulation.

Apparel & Accessories

Like other believers of the Vopa religion, it is discouraged to wear many layers of clothes. They wrapped their body with white cloth and fixed it with brooches. These brooches were often ornate and flashy to draw attention to themself.

Personality Characteristics


Once Pemija granted them visions, their primary motivation was for the safe absorption of astral bodies into the bodies of their followers. Safe being the key word: they spread the word without large demonstrations of transformation of the wormstone in order to persuade the more fearful into participating.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sumiga was trained as a healing magician and was very powerful. Able to reset bones or undo severe burns with a light touch and quick spell, rather than the more advanced rituals required of other healers, their services were sought after on both the main island where Yalisi is, Mozu, and the main continent and patients would travel miles just to see them. It was this reputation that led many of the most transformed to seek them out.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite Sumiga's pivotal role in the creation of the religion, Sumiga was internally plagued with doubts about the role that Pemija has. While Pemija described the world accurately, confirming her watchful gaze, they had doubts that kept him from fully believing her. It was this reason why they covered the exposed wormstone instead of letting people unknowingly absorb greater and greater pieces of astral bodies. Pemija did not punish them for it, but the guilt of their reasoning ate away at them until their death.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mope Vubopa
Circumstances of Death
Old age
Quotes & Catchphrases
Sumiga decreed the motto of the Vopa: "kizabu di," or "they are coming."
Aligned Organization

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