Nucta Surface

This sprawling city presents itself as clean and bustling metropolis. Divided into five district, four smaller districts around the edges and a large business district in the center with green space filling all the spaces between. This major trading hub has 8 ports (named Port A to Port H) evenly spaced around the edges of the system. The different districts are connected by a rail transit system called "The Orbit"  



Commercial District

  The commercial district is a bustling shopping district with moving sidewalks and ads as far as the eyes can see. You can find most things (that are legal) for sale here. From book stores like TimesTomes to weapon shops.   This district is mostly frequented by non-Shirren inhabitants as well as travelers/tourists.   In this district you will also find a lot of giant multi leveled malls.   There is a large event plaza where festivals and concerts are held.  

Industrial District

  The Industrial district is just large manufactory buildings. All of it's workers live on station in the "Low Income" district.  

Low Income District

  This residential district looks like a giant concrete forest filled with identical capsul apartment buildings.   There is nothing of interest here aside from housing.  

High Income District

  Similar to the low income district but the high income trees have custom made apartments attached to them. These apartments are usually owned by rich and important folks that have the money to get fully customized amenities that they can afford to bring with them during long travels.  

Business District

Housing many corporates offices as well as Virulent Solutions' head office with it's iconic organic twisted look that expands force fields that contain the stations atmosphere.  Also found in this district is a very large hospital, being in the central district makes it ideal placement for quick travel for emergencies in any of the districts.
Included Locations


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