BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prep for Summer Camp 2024

This is my first Summer Camp and I'm super excited and nervous. I've been in a creative slump for the past few days and seeing the homework made me panic a bit. But I will push through my trepidation and make this Summer Camp worth remembering for me!

Week 1: CHANGE

Homework 1: Write about Change


I'm going to go small with this one. I plan to write about how and why the amicable and peaceful Succubi took up weapons training and combat and became less friendly towards angels.

It's a pretty small-scale change, but a change nonetheless.


I was thinking about writing about how and why the relationship between angels and demons changed. They were once close allies, but something happened to turn them into millennia-long enemies.
This conflict is pretty large-scale so I'm curious how it would turn out (hopefully well).

Homework 2: Goal Setting

As this is my first Summer Camp and I'm writing exams simultaneously, I'll start small with my goal being to write 8 prompts and get a Copper badge. I'm also going to join Camp Chill.

Homework 3: Categorizing and Tagging

I'm not worried about this one because I've long organized all my articles into categories and tagged them appropriately. For those who don't have categories (I've used up all my free ones), I'll give them suitable tabs and organize them as best I can.

Homework 4: Updating the Meta

Not fully sure what to do with this one... My current metas is as barren as a desert, and to be honest with myself, I don't think the metas would do my worlds enough justice. So, I'm thinking about writing plain articles that serves as an introduction to each of my worlds (not sure how this would go as my worlds are very underdeveloped due to only being here for two months, but I'll do my best :D).

Week 2: REFUGE

Homework 1: Write about Refuge



There's a doll that Kathy carries around with her to keep her company when she's alone. It's her refuge from the trauma she experienced during her birth.


The moment I saw this, an idea popped into my brain. I will write about an orphanage that serves as a haven for the souls of deceased human babies and children.

Homework 2: Find an Accountabilibuddy

I don't think I need someone to keep me accountable for my progress and I'm already part of the World Anvil discord where I've gotten advice for a lot of stuff and received encouragement from others. Even at that, I may join a chapter (if I can find one).

Homework 3: Styling up Your World

I can't use any of the themes or CSS as I'm a freeman but I will style my articles using other methods. For some articles, I'll make some illustrations and create special ones to replace horizontal rules. I may even make tiny character portraits for quotes ^^

Homework 4: Upgrading CSS

There's nothing to say about this 'cause I'm a freeman :)


Homework 1: Write about Beliefs

Oof, this is a tricky one, but I got it. I could come up with some belief system for Inferncenem and Caelumen but am not sure how to. So instead, I'll write about the creators of both worlds: Zutnebas and Ameuses. Their creations believe in Them so it counts :D

Homework 2: Store your Inspirations

To be honest, there are no inspirations for this world. Before I discovered World Anvil, I never had an idea for a world, only characters and concepts about their species, powers, backstories, etc. World Anvil was a place where I could finally showcase my characters to lots of people and just created worlds to put them in, hence why there are pretty much no inspirations for any of my two worlds.

Homework 3: Images and Maps

I already have two maps for Inferncenem (of Succubus Cove and Qada Agir) and none for Caelumen. As my worlds are currently incomplete, a full-scale map of them won't happen but I could use some mapping software to start one and fill them in as I make more locations!

Homework 4: Reviewing Inspirations

Can't do this as explained in my answer to Homework 2.

Week 4: DECAY

Homework 1: Write about Decay

I'm not doing this because it doesn't fit into my worlds' themes.

Homework 2: Optimize your Work Environment

My optimal writing environment is a cool and quiet place, which I'm already in, so there's nothing to worry about :D

Homework 3: Work on your Homepage

My homepages right now are fine as they are; I've added an introduction to each world and did what I could to decorate it. Even at that, I'll look through tutorials on how to make your homepage more appealing without CSS.

Homework 4: Polish the World Intros and Your Author Page

My intros and author page are fine the way they are but I'll still go through them and tweak some stuff.

Now with the final homework complete, I am officially ready for Summer Camp ^^

Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines

- Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.

- Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.

- Relax when you feel tired.

- Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.

- Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.
(Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.)

To use this block on your own camp pages: [block:1050823]
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74


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Jun 9, 2024 16:41 by Elspeth

Good luck with your first Summer Camp! Try not to be nervous. You've got this. I hope you enjoy it and am looking forward to seeing what you create.

So many worlds to choose from...
Jun 9, 2024 17:10 by CoolG

Thank you for the encouraging words ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jun 23, 2024 13:33 by Mochi

Best of luck with your first Summer Camp and exams! I know how stressful doing both at the same time is, I'm sure you'll do great! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Jun 23, 2024 15:55 by CoolG

Thanks Mochi, I'll do my best ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!