
Alice lies at the end of the SOUTHERN WAY, upon the top of LORETTA'S BLUFF. It was founded by settlers moving south from ENDS MEET. They cut a clearing out of the forest, built houses and settled down to the lives of woodsmen. At its height, with a population of 300 and more, it sported a smithy, a large tavern, a communal well and large communal barn. A series of tragedies however, forced the villagers to abandon their homes. Those that survived returned to Ends Meet or PETERSBORO.   Though it is abandoned, the village itself still stands. It consists of a dozen or so houses circled around a stone well house. Several houses lie within the confines of the forest, trees, and bushes growing up to the very doors. Others, including the two story tavern, stand in the remnants of the clearing. They are all in various states of decay. The walls still stand for the most part, but shutters have fallen away, doors stand swollen and off hinges, dilapidated roofs barely hold out the rain and deadfall from the forest that has grown too close. Porches, outhouses, smoke houses and sheds are largely ruined, so overgrown with brush that they are hard to get into.   A small trail leads from the village’s western edge into the forest and along the bluff. This trail leads to the Temple of the Og Aust that overlooks the PIG'S TRAIL.   It is haunted by the ghost of LORETTA. Others, particularly from the BOTTOMS, come to Alice often, hunting for trinkets and other usable items for their homes. There are many fey who dwell in and around the barn and eastern edge of the village.


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