Temple of the Og Aust

In the earliest days of Dwarf and Man in the world the first greater beings to be worshiped were the OG AUST.  This worship was largely centered in the ETHVOLD.  At it's peak the unified worship of the 4 god pantheon was centered in the VALLEY OF THE FROG, a portion of the MISTBANE RIVER.     The Temple was active as a center of worship and as a center of learning for a long time in the days when time was not so closely measured.  Worship and learning were centered around the four dieties of the pantheon:  AMENUT the Frog God, HETH the Crow God, NUNT the Fish God, and KEKKI the Snake God.  It also had much left over for the many powerful spirits that lived throughout the land living in the trees, rivers, lakes, mountains that covered the land.   The temple featured shrines to all the gods, and a large external statue to Amenut.  It has long been abandoned and not much is remembered about the actual practices of this pantheon.  Today the temple still stands though much of it is in ruins.
Temple / Religious complex
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