
Anglamay-ot-Neider was founded by one of the early Governors of the Imperial Province of Anglamay in 187.  Eventually it became the palace and seat of the COUNT OF ANGLAMAY.  In this guise it came to be the property of WILLIAM I, and when he declared Anglamay's independence from Aufstrag it became his residence and capital as King of Anglamay.     It served as William I's headquarters as he fought for his independence.  It was also where he hosted PHILIP, THE GUILELESS when he visited Anglamay.     Subsequent Kings have continued to rule from this castle town.  Sitting on the NEIDER RIVER it is a picturesque settlement with tall spires and walls.  It is the site of the ANGLAMAY FAIR where the best cotton cloth of the country is displayed and sold every August.  The town also is the home of many of the finest cotton weavers in the land.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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