
CORTHAIN, The Justice Maker, Slayer of Gods, and Shatterer of Worlds
ORDER: Val Eahrakun
PROVINCE: Law, Good, The Wind, Prairies
PLANE: Void, The First Wind, Ea-Iul, Fortress of Iul (Wind)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
TEMPLE: Remote, magically guarded complexes
SACRIFICES: The joy of the sacrifice
ADAGE: “Justice, all things come to one.”

  Corthain is the supreme deity of law, justice, goodness, and reason. But for the uttermost end, he alone of the gods has seen the ARC OF TIME and understands the end of things. For this reason it is his self-appointed task to follow the will of the ALL FATHER, and he serves that will in all things. He has carefully harbored his power, and continues to do so, for the GONFOD. Corthain deems it his role to captain an army and keep ORNDUHL the Red God from halting the flow of time and the will of the All Father.   Corthain appears as a tall, well-built man. He is beautiful to behold. His hair is long and blond and his eyes are a deep blue. His face is clean shaven, though his hair is wild. He is broad of chest, with huge hands and thickly muscled arms. He wears a type of ring mail in battle and carries the haft of his spear, Erahmindear (the “Righteous”) with easy care and wields it as a staff. The point of the spear remains in the heart of Ornduhl in the HOMELESS HOUSE and shall a return to the haft only when removed from the Red God. His shield is more like a moonshaped kite shield, with the arrow of law emblazoned upon it. He also carries a war hammer he calls BURGEON. Few have ever worshiped Corthain, for he is a distant god and follows a self-imposed law to allow the will of the All Father to unfold. However, there are knights and priests who have served him in the past and still do so today. They are a secretive people, their temples located in remote regions of the world and their lives dedicated to the unswerving laws of order and good. His knights are called the ORDER OF THE ARC and his symbol is their own.   Sacrifices are made on the field of battle, always personal and often taxing. Nothing substantive is gained from the sacrifice, but failure to do so expels one from the Order of the Arc.
Lawful Good


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