Val Eahrakun

The Val Eahrakun are the first of the three orders of deities in the world. They are the creatures made of the ALL FATHER's labors in the VOID. Many remained in the GREAT EMPTY, but some removed themselves to AIHRDE and settled there.   As is written, “Of the Val Eahrakun there are twelve named and are accounted the greatest. They are CORTHAIN, MORDISU, ORNDUHL, NARRHEIT, EALOR, TEFNUT, the Sisters MAILUHM and MAILAHM, and WENEFAR. TOTH is the Shadow of the All Father and though accounted one of the Val Eahrakun, he is different, for he alone possesses all the knowledge of the All Father, and he was cast into shape before the FORGE OF CREATION was made. To their number were added the dragon god FRAFNOG and UNKLAR the Horned God. These latter came to the world only after it was formed, and had little role in its making.”   There are many who rank as gods but are of a lesser order than the Named. These include all the OG AUST, BUROL of the Mountains, and so forth. Others still are small and weak, such as the COBLYNAU. Many of the TVUNGEN and the TVUNGENOS are also accounted as the Val Eahrakun, as are some of the angelic creatures.
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