
Prince and Dragon Rider

It is said that a prince of the Aathuk people, Cynquil, came upon three dragons feasting on a bovine of his heard. He called to the dragons, not knowing their true nature and ordered them to be off, thinking he could, at least, salvage the meat. But the beasts only growled, the larger of them, turning from their kill to face the young man. Cynquil hesitated and, though armed with a sword and a shirt of chain, he did not know what strength the beasts possessed. He watched them through all the long morning.   Prince Cynquil saw the dragons were meticulous in their actions. As they ate, they cleaned themselves, and any disagreement caused them to stretch out their necks, and show their armored hides, fangs, or claws. They spoke to one another in their own tongue, though the words seemed to tumble into the air, more than from their throats or mouths. He listened to them and, using sorcery, he understood their language. Their pettiness amused the prince, as they bragged to one another of their deeds and misdeeds.   At last Cynquil rose and strode toward the dragons, and they growled, spreading wings across the ground and tails snapping to and fro. As Cynquil approached he cast runes into the air and walked among them, making him seem ever greater than he was. When he stood in their midst, he uttered more runes, casting them out and about to settle like chains upon the dragons; for they were charming runes and runes designed to ease one’s mind and open it to suggestions. When he spoke, his tongue was honey and dripped of kindnesses, compliments, and other words of praise that made the dragon’s minds ease, and they thought better of the prince.   Cynquil talked to the dragons of flying and wondered aloud how it must feel to fly so high in the heavens. In truth, he knew the pleasures of flight very well, for he piloted a craft that sailed the skies. And the greater of three dragons thought to himself that here was an ignorant creature who deserved his pity. The dragon offered to bare the prince aloft, thinking that later, he could shake this creature from his back and slay him. Cynquil climbed onto the dragon’s back, and bound himself there with runes. Hardly had Cynquil finished his runes than the beast launched into the air, wings beating the winds into submission.  With powerful strokes the creature rose, flying clear of the forest. It climbed high and fast, rode the winds, and cut the clouds, and Cynquil knew such joy as no man or beast in all the wide world. His laughter pealed on high, and he called the dragon the greatest of all creatures of the sky, earth, and seas. The dragon’s heart softened at these words, and it took a primal joy in the man’s happiness. For many hours they flew, until the beast returned to the clearing and its kill. The dragon’s companions had finished the feast, and looked up at their return.    Once upon the ground, Cynquil called the beast many complimentary names, and the dragon was secretly gratified.   But then Cynquil challenged the dragon to battle, offering to spar with him, not to the death, but in contest only, for he deemed the dragon held might above all things. Indeed, he was a young dragon, but in the full of his power. The dragon thought to himself that here was an easy proof of this creature’s frail being, and took up the challenge. With deeds both bold and swift, Cynquil defeated the beast, wielding runes and blade in concert. When the dragon fell to his arms and might, it called for mercy, and Cynquil called him friend and servant and bound the beast to him.   “No mercy can I give, oh drake of heavens sent. For I deem you have held back the greater of your powers in this contest, and given me the victory for such a creature you are.” Though, in truth Cynquil knew he had bested the dragon. And the dragon became enamored of Cynquil and knew his words were true, and he was the greater of the two for he had spared the man. And it seemed to him that he must stay with the man, protect him, and allow him to visit the heavens on high.   So the first of the dragon riders came to be.


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