
The Aathuk were the 7th of the tribes of men. As is written, the men of Aathuk wandered far afield, leaving the FORGE OF THE ALL FATHER even before the founding of the first of the dwarven kingdoms. They settled, as all their peoples did, upon the SEA OF ERUN, but migrated with the other tribes, crossing the DULCET and into the wilderness. Their journey was long, and as the other tribes settled in and learned of Mordius in the far north, the Aathuk wandered on. They crossed the frigid seas, coming first to the GAL-LAND.   In the Gal-Land they dwelt for some time, building towns upon the sea, but there came an age where MAILUHM, the sun, flew high and far from the world, and the seas in those climes froze. The Aathuk, always restless, moved north, crossing the ice bridge into a wide empty land upon the roof of the world. They explored the country and found little life there, for few could stand the snow, the ice, and cold. The growing seasons were short, and those creatures that dwelt there, large bears, seals, huge ox, yak, and other bovines, were fierce and difficult to hunt. The land was quiet and still, the forests deep, the mountains stark, cut and carved by the ever blowing wind. Here the Aathuk found a true home, for they were a people of themselves. They lived, as was their want, far from the haunts of man or god. They named the land AATUK.   The Aathuk wandered ever further, exploring the vast wasteland. They broke apart as a people, spreading out in small bands. Some preferred the coasts, others the woods, still others the higher mountains and stark landscapes. They built vast mansions and towers to house themselves, and they trafficked with each other when in need. They built sleds to cross the icy tundra and boats propelled by magic to cut the frozen sea.   They traded with few others but for the dwarves that dwelt in the CHANNEL LAKES and TURMBERG and those of NORGRUND KAM. The Aathuk studied all they came across, but mostly they pondered the heavens, seeking an understanding of the ALL FATHER and the gods of the Val Eahrakun. In those long ago days, they mastered stonemasonry like none but the dwarves, and they built towers upon the slopes and hills and, later, the mountains. They mastered glassblowing, and discovered ways of creating all manner of objects in that medium. The Aathuk invented the lens, allowing them to watch things from afar, and the heavens became the object of their desire.   From the dwarves, they learned of runes, and the magic contained within them, and with these they built flying ships and greater viewing scopes. They plied the heavens, climbing ever higher into the emptiness, seeking to find gateways to the other worlds and the VOID. The Aathuk paid homage to no gods, but worshiped their ancestors and the elements. And in their youth, they mastered the dragons. First to do this was CYNQUIL, then he taught others and soon many of the beasts were mastered.   The power of the Aathuk rose in the estimation of all people then, for the greatest of their peoples mastered dragons. They tamed the dragons always in the same manner; first to conquer and subdue, then to offer flattery in place of condemnation and make the dragon seem a beast greater than it was. And they were great indeed. Many of the Aathuk died attempting these feats, for they were wild beasts that never surrendered easily, and though few dragons were as strong as Cynquil’s, few men were as strong as the prince. But those who won through, did so to ride dragons upon the heavens and serve their people in peace and in war.   After many centuries of peace, the power of the Aathuk spread beyond the land of Aatuk and they came to hold sway over the vast country of the Channel Lakes, the lands of the east in JANUK, and the broad FOREST OF ROND. Few could withstand the dragon riders, and their power grew great. These are held the AVOWED YEARS of the Aathuk people, for dark kings ruled them in madness and chaos. They used the power of the dragons to build an empire that spread beyond the alabaster towers of their homes. Men worshiped them as gods and paid them tribute. Tis rumored that NARRHEIT rose high in their estimation, and though that creature was never worshiped, his shadow is seen upon the halls of the Aathuk, so that those who were weak and willful listened to his call and became slaves to his madness. The Aathuk ruled thus for a thousand years, mirroring the power of the south and the dwarven Kingdom of Alanti.   In their interactions with the dwarves, they passed on the knowledge of dragon mastery to only a few. The dwarves of Norgrund Kam, long allies and friends, took to it as no other dwarves could. Few other of the tribes of man ever learned the art of dragon riding. What was common in Aatuk and Norgrund Kam proved rare elsewhere.   In time, the power of the Aathuk waned, the dragon kings fell away from power, and the Avowed Years ended. The original goals of the Aathuk were not to build worldly kingdoms, but rather to turn to the heavens and conquer the will of the All Father. So, they flew ever higher, until their adventures ran afoul of the WALL OF THE WORLDS and many were lost, confounded in the infinite clouds. Some few broke free, whether to serve Corthain, or plunder the far reaches of the GREAT EMPTY, none can say. But some, as is told, came to the realm of the goblins.


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