Val Austlich

The Val Austlich are creatures and magics forged from the Language of Creation by the Val Eahrakun. Many of these creatures owe their existence to the Judgment of Corthain as they were created by the Val Eahrakun to carry out those tasks the older deities could no longer perform.    Some deities actually walk the plane, and, as in the case of Durendale, are active in shaping the history of the world. Churches and temples to these deities are the largest and most powerful as well. Unlike the Val Eahrakun, the power of the Val Austlich waxes and wanes with the number of worshipers and/or the type and amount of sacrifices given in their name.   They grow strong or weak depending upon who and what and how many worship them. In one age, a god like Burasil can be a powerful greater deity, worshiped by millions in temples all over the world (such was his role during the 5th Rin in another, he is weak, worshiped by a few secret cult members (such was his role during the 6th Rin, the Winter Dark).   The mogrl, being forged from the stuff of Unklar, are Val Austlich.   The Judgement of Corthain forbade the Val Eahrakun from interacting with the peoples of the world directly, but it did not lessen their power.  ORNDUHL was driven to ruin and bound in the HOMELESS HOUSE. EALOR, Lord of the Oceans, ruled from the GREEN HALLSTOTH stood upon the ARC OF TIME.  And so it went with them all. Long they suffered the Judgment and called upon their brother to turn back his words, but those words could not be unspoken, and the Judgment of Corthain remained the law of the world for many long years. Few of the Val Eahrakun desired to have no hand in the making of the world, and some voiced a fear that the new peoples of the world - the ELVES, the ORCS, and all the others - possessed no guidance, as they passed through a world littered with the deceits of NARRHEIT and the designs of the Red God. Corthain refused their pleas, and bid them to exert whatever influence they would outside the world of the All Father. Ealor alone sought to contest the oath with force, but too long had he lain in the Green Halls.  The WALL OF WORLDS confounded him, and Corthain would not come forth to fight. But the hearts of the Val Eahrakun still lived in Aihrde, and their designs had shaped its destiny, and despite their power not being the equal of Corthain, they counted themselves as his peers and would not be denied.   So it was that the Val Austlich came to be; the Val Eahrakun gave of themselves and made gods, lesser than they, but greater than the races of Aihrde. They sprang to life with a lust for the world and purpose as set by the Val Eahrakun. These powerful beings roamed Aihrde seeking what they would and where they would. Men learned of them and turned to them for aid and power, for comfort and guidance. They were named DURENDALE, OGLOTAY, the RUNE LORDS, AENOUTH, ATHRIA, BURASIL, DEMETER, GLORIANNA, GROTVEDT, URNUS GREGARIA, WULFAD, AMENEXL, ANGRIM, KRATEUS, ADRIUS & ZERNIUS, RHEALTH and others besides.   These were the gods of men, and they supplanted the Val Eahrakun in men’s hearts, for unbound by the Judgment, they alone interacted with them. And when they were worshiped they grew strong and when forgotten weaker still than ever they had been. So they fostered the temples and gave blessings to those who gave them their love. Many forgot the Val Eahrakun, remembering them as tales of long ago, tales whose truth was doubted. But the learned and powerful knew of the greater beings, and they understood the Val Eahrakun were beyond measure and they were called upon from time to time and worshiped. The Val Austlich served those that made them, and they served that purpose set out for them. But they, like the Val Eahrakun before them, were whole and not without thought or designs of their own. Some warred with one the other, while others made common cause of the managing of Aihrde. After many years, the Val Austlich set a meeting place in the MAELSTROM for their numbers to congregate. Following the roots of EAHRTUT deep into the firmament, they built AALUN-HART-RA, the city of the center, which stood as a glorious realm until the Darkness overtook it in the sixth Rin of the World.   the Val Austlich, unrestrained by the Judgment of Corthain, created bridges to their devotees through priests, clerics, druids, and shamans. Temples, in ages past built to honor and respect the gods, became places of worship and sacrifice, places where the priests could speak with the gods. Men turned to the gods as never before, and the power of the Val Austlich waxed great through their intermediaries.  Durendale came to the world, the COBBLER took shape too and drove many men into the wilderness on hunts and wild adventures, Glorianna with shield and mace, Burasil of the elves, and others beside.   Unklar also used the coming of the Val Austlich.  He created some of his own, and others he killed or captured.  Seven of the greatest that fell to him became his CAPTAIN KINGS, and assisted him in his rule of the world.
Genetic Descendants


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