Frostfall Mountains Settlement in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Frostfall Mountains

The Frostfalls the mountain range that makes the northern border of Mynithrul the Dwarven Kingdom of Beidon.The backbone of the wealth of its economy is its rich gold, platinum, and mithril veins, along with various other mining of gems of metals as well. Underground in the mountains, there are many cities that dart through the mountain range all interconnected to one another. The dwarves have lived there long during the times of warm weather the lower houses tend to crops and farm much in their crops. While in the winter the lower houses hunt for food in the woods and trade their metals in exchange for food when the crops run poorly.
  The Beidon Kingdom is ruled by King Brogi Goldenhand with his royal house as well as 6 other Nobel Houses that help maintain order throughout the Kingdom. These Noble houses are the Frostpeaks, Stoneborns, Highfields, Icebrews, Ashbraids, and Silverbrands. Each House has its own personal soldiers, Laws in their own city-states, and personnel crime records as well as public ones. If a crime is committed that is minor the house will normally keep the infraction local however larger crimes will be made public and brought to the attention of neighboring city-states as well as the Royal Capital.
  The Frostpeaks Family Patriarch - Alfbjorn Frostpeak Base City- Akureyri House Words- Malo Mori Quam Fodari ( I would rather die than be Disgraced)
  The Frostpeaks were once a renowned smithing family before they rose to nobility some four thousand years ago when their wealth surpassed all of the other noble horses combined. Today based in the city of Akureyri houses the manufacturing and distribution of weapons, armor, and all manner of expensive and priceless jewelry. They maintain close ties with the Royal Goldenhand House.
  The Stoneborns Family Patriarch - Dunnen Stoneborn Base City- Gardabær House Words- Fide et fortitudine (By fidelity and fortitude)
  The Stoneborns’ ancestry comes from a long line of master builders. They take great pride in their works building luxury houses, warehouses, courtrooms, castles, vacation homes (to those who can afford it (typically only other noble houses)) Nearly every building in the entire Kingdom was built by a member of House Stoneborn and they are not afraid to let everyone know. As their house words suggest they are extremely loyal to House Goldenhand.
  The Highfields Family Patriarch - Hogar Highfield Base City- Mosfellsbær House Words- Per mare, per terras
  The Highfields live in the rural places of the kingdom and are the primary supplies of food in the Kingdom. This house consists of the largest faction that many of the lower houses serve, the actual noble family is very small compared to the other noble families. The Highfields receive many criminals who are sentenced to years of hard labor with no pay in the fields and out on sea catching fish. which boots the Highfields family coffers. Those who don’t wish to farm are then conscripted to serve as soldiers. As their House Words suggest they roam the land outside of the mountains as well as oversee sailors who bring in fish and other food from the sea as well as Skilled Hunters to bring in meat year-round.
  The Icebrews Family Patriarch - Kander Icebrew Base City- Hafnarfjörður House Words- Semper Paratus (Always Prepared)
  The Icebrews are the wealthiest of all the Noble Houses as they run all of the merchants’ stalls and bazaars in the Kingdom. Located at the main gate to the underground kingdom The Icebrews see to all guests and travelers and house them in their inns and taverns. They also capitalize on their specialized made mead that only members of the family can make making it extremely rare and expensive. True to their house words the Icebrews have nearly everything on hand for any occasion.
  The Ashbraids Family Patriarch - Jokull Ashbraids Base City- Kópavogur House Words- Virescit vulnere virtus (Courage grows stronger at the wound)
  The Ashbraids rose to nobility upon the discovery of the main Platinum and Gold veins that went on to become the backbone of the Kingdoms economy. The house consists of expert miners who dart in and out of the mines primarily focused on the gold and platinum mines. They often side with the Frostpeaks on major decisions in the capital who buy most of what is mined from the veins.
  The Silverbrands Family Patriarch - Yulfnir Silverbrand Base City- Árborg House Words- Vincit qui patitur (He conquers who endures)
  The Silverbrands make up the bulk of the entire kingdom’s main army and the head of the family always holds the title of Head General. The family heir always serves as the commander of the Royal Guard. The Silverbrands have always been harsh on the soldiers. Toughening them up with grueling training regiments to maximize the troops’ effectiveness. A special squad of troops called the Kzdanunian consists of dwarven men that have successfully pleasured 10 soldiers in a row in less than 18 hours this rite signifies the soldier’s stamina, strength, and willpower, and raises him high in the ranks just below the royal guard.
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