Thydrom's Mansion Building / Landmark in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Thydrom's Mansion

Thydroms Mansions sits on the Western Edge of the city. It has a large spaces garden with a plethora of medical herbs, vegetables ad flora that is frequented by the many bees that inhabit the 30 beehives that are nearby, The Honey the produce forms the base of the alcoholic drinks that Thydrom crafts. The Mansion itself consist of a waiting area, a dining room, a very large Kitchen ( size required by Kyss Kokken to work in) a tower Library ( Books line the entire tower walls from top to bottom) A Hospital Wing where Thydrom heals the towns people who are brought to him if they are sick or injured, when Thydrom isn’t home Arnar is in charge of managing the property,

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