Nyla Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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The companion of Vaan, a giant weasel. Nyla was born and raised in a giant village, her parents had died (mom from childbirth and the dad from a hunting trip). Nyla was really standoffish and didn't like anyone but connected to Vaan. They didn't get along in the begining but then they grew to like eachother, bonding over the fact they both didn't like anybody.   Nyla followed Vaan at first but was invisible and only recently came out of hiding. Nyla appeared when the party was in danger trying to save Thydrom's homeland and Vaan was investigating the fire giant, Goroth, that had taken up the throne.   Now that Nyla is out of hiding she still sticks close to Vaan and will ocassionaly try to comunicate with the party (without much success sadly).

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