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The Pantheon

Mythology & Lore

  • The Fall of Earth
  • The Creation of Myr
  • The Fall of Deranor

Divine Origins

The first origins of the Pantheon can confidently be traced back to the elves. According to their myth, the first of the elves were created by Thame and he was the first person to speak to them.   In human history, the elves played a big part in passing on the religion, however ancient Makhyllaric art already depicted meetings with almost exactly the same gods before contact with the elves. Still, especially in the East, human religion is strongly influenced by elven faith.   The dwarves have always shared the elven faith. Today, the temples of Hyghlynn are the largest centre of this religion.

Cosmological Views

According to the elves, the universe was created by a great explosion of magic. In short, this explosion created the first worlds, these worlds created life and from that life sprung forth some rare particularly powerful individuals, gods. Gods are known to create and influence world and life and usually get their life-force out of faith from the life they watch over. From the world Earth came five gods (Syler's origin is unknown) whom created Guenvar and Myr and all that walks upon these worlds.


To honour the gods, one should live by their way. To ask for their aid (magic), one should pray.

Granted Divine Powers

Divine magic: Following the tenets of one of the Six gods or making them like you in some way makes them grant you their specific type of magic.
  • Thame: lightning, strength, etc.
  • Sarah: healing, light, etc.
  • Rose: protection and some control over nature and similar things
  • Taylor: elemental control
  • Stryke: death-dealing magic, shadowmancy, etc.
  • Syler: prophecy, control over dreams, ability to make time pass slower for you, etc.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Six
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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