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The Yeda Semeda (The Hydra Cult)

Yeda Semeda is an organisation that, in some form or another, dates back to before even the beginning of the Deranoran conquest. In its earliest form it was the team of magi under Assadium Nikklys that designed and crafted the Nephilim. They were a well-funded organisation with strong anti-theist views.   Throughout their earlier days they were given a large amount of independence, which only grew when their original project was finished and their were no longer any specific demands from the Emperor. All that was asked of them was to create new items for the good of the Empire. From the start, they worked in great sercrecy, which certainly stayed that way in the future. All that is known of them know seeped through their veil only once in a blue moon.   We know that the organisation has not been disbanded with the Deranoran Empire. It is not known wether they were protected from banishment by the gods, or wether their banner was picked up by those that weren't the Pantheon's target. What is known is that they still have a lot of power (if not more), a large arsenal and clear-cut views that work against the gods.


  1. Assadian: Derived from Assadium Nikklys. Supposedly the highest rank, being the successor of the ancient leader of the original group. The Assadian is presumed to keep his identity secret, but some evidence suggests that he or she is often a high-ranking member of society with the power to weave the group into the civilisation.
  2. Praetor: a title given by the Assadian to one among those he trusts to be in contact with, though not necceseraly directly so.
  3. Seer: one with a supposed talent for seeing fragments of the future. This is without a doubt only possible through a shard of the Nephilim in the organisation's possession. The Seer can give orders and make decisions on where to send whom if he sees reason to, but is also expected to give information to the Praetor. It is no doubt thanks to the seers that the order has been able to understand the world whilst staying mostly underground.
  4. Grand Mage: one considered among the most knowledgeable of the arcane, a very highly valued role. The grand magi are the ones that take care of the more general matters (training, planning, smaller missions, recruiting)
  5. Shadow Master: the leaders of the Thadwey, in charge of keeping the group hidden and underground. The shadow masters also act as torturers and interrogators.
  6. Loremaster: the magi that take care of the library and records. If ever a base of the order is discovered, the Loremaster will burn down the library as to avoid anyone uncovering the secrets of the organisation.
  7. Champion: An honorary title given to accomplished warriors. They do training and command the rest of the military.
  8. Apprentice: Magi that are accepted to train and serve directly under a Grand Mage.
  9. Curator: The keepers of the vast collection of magical items the order owns. This is certain to include multiple shards of the Nephilim and many more powerful weapons and tools
  10. Collector: one that collects magical items for the order.
  11. Thadwey: an assassin and/or spy, trained to eliminate those who know too much or are considered a danger to the cause.
  12. Mage: a magic worker.
  13. Auxiliary: a warrior with more flexible jobs that 'smash'.
  14. Warrior: one that fights for the order.
  15. Protector: one that guards the order's base, even when the warriors are not there.
  16. Arcanist: vendors assigned to sell arcane magic in services or items on the black market. These people often are unaware of whom they are working for, let alone are they involved in any other matters than those that are asked of them.
  17. Initiate: a new recruit that has not yet been given a title. They are not involved in any important matters until they prove their devotion.

Public Agenda

The Yeda Semeda intends to free humanity from the gods.


The order owns an extensive collection of magical artefacts, some of which are among the very most powerful on Myr. Their funds are known to be in the black market, selling arcane magic and services.   The Assadian also acts as a great asset in the form of outside power.

Mythology & Lore

Apart from the historical Deranoran conquest, the Yeda Semeda strongly reveres the mythological Elder Dragon.

Divine Origins

Whilst originally the order was devoted to Emperor Maradius the Second, evidence suggests that their allegiance shifted to the Elder Dragon.   They believe that Myr should be freed from the gods.   We are not aware of what rituals they get into, though it is known they are rather on the gruesome side. Only one form of ritual is known of existing within their order that imbues cultists with arcane mana.

Cosmological Views

The Yeda Semeda has taken to various different creation myths, including those from the elves and of our temple. Their views definitely focus on the Elder Dragon myth and the history of humanity.

Tenets of Faith

The specifics of this matter remain yet unclear.


The specifics of this matter remain yet unclear.


One in the order is made to serve every waking moment of their life for the Yeda Semeda, whatever their rank.


From what we know, the Assadian is always a powerful figure, but hides his or her identity from the rest of the order. It is a title that is presumably passed on by the previous one. One can but imagine that the Assadian is given the title by another and becomes able to simply have the whole Yeda Semeda as a tool at their command. However, the Assadian is expected to act as a benefactor in money and power.   Within the order itself it is the Grand Magi that shepherd the rest.   All the ranks of the order are distinguished by different outfits.

Granted Divine Powers

The Magi of the order are capable of utilising arcane magic like no other.   The order also supposedly has certain rituals to imbue people with strength or other types of power through arcane mana.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Worryingly enough the Yeda Semeda has without any doubt been guiding the fate of our world more and more in the last thousand years. They do so with many different methods, but the strongest asset of all is the Assadian's power. Through the Assadians, the order no doubt has controlled ore is currently in control of whole nations. Who knows whom they are yet to control.


We are not aware of any separate sects from the order itself, but it is not impossible that there may be any.   One thing is hypothesised, a whole other level of the order. If even the order itself doesn't know who the Assadian is and the title is seemingly smoothly passed on for all we can tell, it is suggested that the Assadian already prepares the next before their own death. If this is true, nothing prevents the Assadian to be a collective of like-minded power figures. This very notion is even more worrisome than the option of a single assadian.

Man must be free.

Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
Hydra Cult
Parent Organization


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