Political event
The Valkyrie, able to attack from the sky, seem unstoppable. The terror causes uproar in the Empire. At the eleventh hour, as his old empire (now republic) is crumbling, Emperor Tillain finally takes up his throne once more.
During the major crisis caused by the Valkyrie, all hope seems lost. Democracy has failed to save the Tillainian Republic and is grasping for straws. Reluctant to take on this power (both because Thame hasn't told him to and because democracy seemed a fairer system), but committed to save his crumbling empire, Thomes Tillain returns. The Republic grants their immortal founding emperor temporary power, which he uses to save it. The Republic afterwards takes on the name Empire once more, this time as a constitutional monarchy. Possibly: It remains like this even after the Emperor's death, when the third prophet is born.