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History of Myr

The history of life on Myr


... 33607 BAC

All of the time before the elves came. There was not any life on Myr considered to be truly sapient apart from the gods.

  • -4357966393 BE

    -3625966393 BE

    Creation of Myr's Base
    Geological / environmental event

    Myr's elements were gathered to form the world's foundation over half a billion years.

  • -3294194850 BE

    -3294194850 BE

    Creation of First Life
    Geological / environmental event

    The creation of the first incarnation of life on Myr.

  • -2979966393 BE

    -2969966393 BE

    Creation of the Chaos Dragon
    Disaster / Destruction

    After starting off the evolution of true life, the gods experimented with projections of life. Projections here mean creatures not unlike dryads or vila, which in fact are only consisted divine spirit (the soul and power of the gods that is in every particle on myr). One of these experiments was the mythological Elder Dragon.

    More reading
    Chaos Dragon
  • -2740413186 BE

    -2739868116 BE

    Creation of Second Life
    Geological / environmental event

    The restoration of life on Myr.

Age of Elves

33606 BAC 804 BAC

The period between the arrival of elves on Myr and the extinction of elves. It is the time where elves clearly dominated the world.

  • -32802 EA

    -32802 EA

    Arrival of Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves colonise Myr.

  • -26696 EA

    -24196 EA

    0 /0 00:00

    Cultural event

    The golden age of elven art in which elves directed their worship largely to Sarah and the sun as something pure and good.

  • -14375 EA

    3 /6
    -14375 EA

    3 /6

    First Mention of the Herald (Oracle)
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The mythological Oracle first appears in historical records. He appeared in an elven high council session, urging them to start a new expedition to Bocklynn.

  • -530 EA

    855 EA

    First Human Cities
    Construction beginning/end

    The oldest records of human cities come from Makhyllar.

  • -196 EA

    Herald Warns the Ancients
    Religious event

    The Herald warns the Ancients of the coming disaster. He does this in defyance of the high gods.

    More reading
    The Oracle
  • 0 EA

    128 EA

    Casting out of the Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    As a race only partially attuned to magic, the dwarves could still be saved from extinction by the arcane meteor. The elves therefor sent the dwarves back to Bocklynn in the hopes of them outgrowing magic.

The Dwarven Age

804 BAC 0 BAC

In the dwarven age the Northern dwarves, Southern dwarves and the now extinct "lost brothers" ruled over Bocklynn whilst the elves became more and more isolationist. The elves tried to guide the world into a better future, but were largely unsuccessful in advising the dwarves into peace.

  • -804 DA

    -676 DA

    Casting out of the Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    As a race only partially attuned to magic, the dwarves could still be saved from extinction by the arcane meteor. The elves therefor sent the dwarves back to Bocklynn in the hopes of them outgrowing magic.

  • -447 DA

    -424 DA

    First Dwarven War
    Military action

    After being cast out to live independently as a race, inequalities started to surface between the two dwarven kinds.

  • -402 DA

    -387 DA

    Second Dwarven War
    Military action

    The first war had only bred more hatred and even more understanding of the art of war.

  • -331 DA

    -331 DA

    Crowning of Feyakhyn
    Political event

    The first dwarven fairy is elected.

  • -302 DA

    Third Dwarven War
    Military action

    The southern dwarves rebel.

  • -114 DA

    Fourth Dwarven War
    Military action

    The last dwarven war.

  • 0 DA

    Falling of the Arcane Meteor

    The Falling of the Arcane Meteor (or often Falling) is the event in which the elves were extinct and arcane mana came Myr.

Human Age

0 BAC and beyond

The age in which the dwarves secluded themselves and let humans take the stage. This is a very dynamic and eventful age that has not yet ended.

  • 0 HA

    Falling of the Arcane Meteor

    The Falling of the Arcane Meteor (or often Falling) is the event in which the elves were extinct and arcane mana came Myr.

  • 849 HA

    28 /4
    849 HA

    31 /4

    Meeting at Ashurus
    Gathering / Conference

    A legendary meeting of the two dwarven kinds for the first time in many centuries on a cliff at Ashurus.

  • 1231 HA

    2347 HA


    As humans tried to build greater cities and infrastructure, there was an age of war for dominance between humanity and the dragons.

  • 2611 HA

    2639 HA

    42 /9

    Maradius's Conquest
    Military action

    Emperor Maradius II of Deranor is recognised as the greatest tyrant in the history of Myr. As the creator of the legendary Nephilim, he actively endeavoured to overthrow the gods themselves. Maradius was eventually overthrown by the northern dwarves, but not before mass murdering several civilisations and conquering most of the Eastern world from Luricia to Fangador.

  • 3000 HA

    3800 HA

    The Rumblings
    Disaster / Destruction

    Mysterious earthquakes begin to happen in the Lower Chambers of the Underworld. THroughout several centuries, they begin to escalate, until they affect not only the Upper Chambers, but even the Overworld. The Tsunami of Lorellain, for example, is thought to have been caused by the Rumblings.

    The Underworld
  • 3049 HA

    37 /5
    3050 HA

    11 /2

    The Breaking of Becai
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 3049, the land bridge connecting Auchorica to Luricia unexpectedly drowned into the sea.

  • 3159 HA

    3170 HA

    The War of Creatures
    Military action

    Chit'khron was the first person to reunite most of the Nephilim since its destruction after the Deranoran conquest. As a gnome, Chit'khron had a cultural distaste for humans and what he saw as their arrogant, self-serving ways. Due to relatively recent history and growing human expansion of the time, it was to be expected that this idea was especially supported, but for him, this distaste grew to beyond extreme. To eradicate "the human tyranny", Chit'khron used the Nephilim in his very own way, by twisting living beings (especially humans) into new forms and human-animal hybrids.

  • 3171 HA

    The Founding of the Sentinel Council

    After the War of Creatures, the Sentinel Council was founded, an organisation that oversees cooperation between human nations against all external threats. With it, four cities were founded on the outskirts of human territory, and one big human capital on the isle of Syntra, where all matters of international cooperation would be organised, a neutral capital.

  • 3224 HA

    12 /8
    3226 HA

    17 /4

    First Fereloqan War
    Military action

    After major conflict between Eastlight and Engoran, every state in Fereloqa became involved in some way in a large scale war.

  • 3227 HA

    3227 HA

    Founding of Feyglen/Rosera

    After rebelling from Eastlight, a group of refugees settled a whole new state in central Fereloqa that would later become a major player in the history of Fereloqa.

  • 3255 HA

    34 /8
    3276 HA

    6 /1

    Second Fereloqan War
    Military action

    Conflicts in Fereloqa resurface into an extension of the first war.

  • 3639 HA

    The Gates of Stryke Open
    Population Migration / Travel

    After their thousand-year banishment, the Deranorans are released back onto Myr. However, Stryke seems to have seen this as another chance to spread chaos. Deep in the dwarven mines, a mysterious gate opens, where the Deranorans are let out, taking over the city of Staelgat, also known as Irongate, and spreading out to conquer the Overworld.

  • 3639 HA

    3640 HA

    The Tsunami of Lorellain
    Disaster / Destruction

    The isle of Lorellain and several others are completely destroyed by a devestating tsunami. This event is primarily remembered for one of a handful of survivors, Elsiar.

  • 3640 HA

    Elsiar Becomes the Sage
    Religious event

    Elsiar, after eventually proving herself worthy after all, is saved from the wither curse by becoming the sage.

  • 3640 HA

    The Founding of Oade-Elsiar

    Elsiar takes a group of released slaves out to old dwarven ruins, where they settle, naming their city after her.

  • 3640 HA

    The First Light Elf
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Elsiar convinces Sarah to turn Dharearna into a light elf. Dharearna takes on the name Ilyreth and becomes the first of many.

  • 3642 HA

    2643 HA

    Elsiar Emerges
    Religious event

    Elsiar is educated back into a true heroine. She sets out to end the still raging war.   During her journey, she makes a name for herself, spreading the news of the emergence out before her. Armies all over Bocklynn speak of the bringer of peace who will belatedly end a seemingly endless war of worlds.   During one of the greatest battles of the human age, Elsiar appears to all, stepping in between the charging armies, where she sits down and refuses to leave. She convinces their leaders to hold a meeting.

  • 3650 HA

    Elsiar's Death
    Life, Death

    On a journey of peace, Elsiar is murdered by terrorists. This feeds the smouldering ashes of war, eventually birthing a new war that threatens to become a new world war.

  • 3650 HA

    The Birth of the Second Sage
    Life, Birth

    Thomes Tillain is stillborn and left on the altar in the Hyghlynn temple of Thame. Thame brings him back to life as an avatar, creating the new sage.

  • 3651 HA

    3652 HA

    The Founding of Lyemér

    Ilyreth brings the innocent women of her old tribe to the untouchable isle of Lyemér and founds her new elven kingdom.

  • 3654 HA

    3655 HA

    The Second Mission
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Second Mission was a light elven mission to convert new followers. It was lead by Feysjin, and succeeded in bringing back a group of nine light elves, almost double the average size of around five. Among these were many light elves who would would become important members of their order.   One of them was Feengkin, who would only a few years later found the Mother's Hand alongside Feysjin and Ilyreth, and slowly evolved from being Ilyreth's representative to the order's official leader over the centuries.

  • 3656 HA

    Serena joins the Wardens
    Life, Milestone
  • 3663 HA

    Thomes Gets Abducted
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Thomes Tillain gets abducted by a mysterious agent, and subsequently gets enslaved. He ends up in the Nerys arena, where he spends the rest of his youth.

  • 3670 HA

    3700 HA

    Rise of the Tillainian Empire

    Immortal Prophet Thomes Tillain founds and expands his empire in the name of Thame, but eventually abdicates, leaving the throne to his childhood friend Galend.

  • 3745 HA

    3745 HA

    Illiana is Adopted
    Life, Relationship change

    Illiana is found near the smouldering ruins of Achton by a human innkeeper. He raised her during all of her long childhood.

  • 3745 HA

    3745 HA

    The Fire of Achton
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Achton is burned down by a party of dark elves.

  • 3772 HA

    The First Wood Elf
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Illiana kills her father to save a friend, severing her connection with Sarah, and killing her. But at the last moment, Rose revives the elf, turning her from a light elf into something new.

  • 3812 HA

    3815 HA

    The War with the Allarei
    Military: War

    Scholar Allaran, under the influence of the Anteth Crystal (a shard of the Nephilim), turns Chit'khron's old fortress from which to initiate a worldwide effort to steal away knowledge as to protect it from the influence of the Hydra Cult. He gathers an army and force of mages, assassins, thieves, warriors, and healers. His library is evenually sieged, during which he unleashes the power of the Anteth Crystal on the attacking forces, but eventually dies. His library is destroyed, but his organisation, known as the Allarei, survive as a clandestine group that fights to protect knowledge from all those who endanger it.

  • 4122 HA

    4128 HA

    The Valkyrie Invasion [WIP]
    Military: War

    [NOT YET CANONISED]   On the moon, a pocket of exiled Ancients survived the Arcane Meteor on a technicality. Throughout the centuries, they've grown increasingly warlike. In 4122, they decide to invade Myr. [WHY!?] Their areal attacks terrorise all, until the sentient races of Myr band together under Emperor Tillain, whose diplomatic bonds, royalty, divine authority, tactical talent, and physical and magical power inspire everyone. The war continues for many years, but Myr comes out on top.

  • 4124 HA

    The Emperor's Return
    Political event

    The Valkyrie, able to attack from the sky, seem unstoppable. The terror causes uproar in the Empire. At the eleventh hour, as his old empire (now republic) is crumbling, Emperor Tillain finally takes up his throne once more.