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On the Constitution of the First Republic

Excerpted from "A Comprehensive History of the North Artery"

The constitution of the newly-formed free state of Tanglewood Copse initially had a clause restricting term limits, but the people repeatedly demanded that Count Lysander, leader of the Tanglewood War of Independence, be eligible for another term during each election period all the way until his death.   A referendum was immediately held that resulted in the removal of term limits altogether for the position of Count. Presumably due to the Tanglewood's family's saintly reputation among the common folk, there hasn't been a Count of non-Tanglewood blood in the country's 250+ year history, an irony that is lost on most Wodens.   The constitution does explicitly state, however, that the Viscount can never be a Tanglewood. For this reason, the Tanglewood family tree is well-documented and Barons are required to maintain meticulous birth records and family histories of their constituents. Lying about one's lineage is considered a grave offense.
Manuscript, Historical


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