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The Nine Divines

Most races believe that The Nine Divines were mortals elevated to godhood by the strength of their own virtue or by a mysterious supreme being. Some even claim that they came to Mystara from the endless black sea.   In alleged order of arrival:
Deity Name Domain Race
Mylanta, the Healer Life and healing, fertility, the harvest, food and drink Human / elf (contested)
Kord, the Equalizer Balance, death, disease, fate Dwarf
Umberlee, the Defender Nature, the sky, liberty, arts esp. poetry and song Elf
Parnassus, the Peacekeeper Knowledge, magic, stars Elf
Tempus, the Stormbringer Weather, chaos, change, luck Human
Lyssa, the Mistress Illusion, trickery, time, beauty Human
Asmodeus, the Torch Fire, war, retribution, famine Human
Trithereon, the Righteous The sun, justice, courage, truth Elf
Ondra, the Caretaker* The moon, ocean, secrets, loss Elf
  *also "the Silent"
Insignias of the nine gods
Religious, Pantheon

Articles under The Nine Divines


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