
Although the nation of Alphatia no longer exists as a part of the known world, many Mystarans of Alphatian descent can be found scattered throughout other lands, particularly in the far east and north, on the Isle of Dawn, and in Norwald. Still, Alphatian player characters should be rare wanderers and expatriates who have survived the destruction of their homeland.   The Alphatian Empire as a whole has around eight and a half million subjects. Because of this there is a vast variety of places and peoples under it’s sway from pale skinned “Pure” Alphatians and the more copper skinned “common” Alphatians, and descendants of all the peoples that they have conquered.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Aasla, Aendyr, Alphas, Arbana, Ashari, Astriadan, Daricon, Driadne, Ecbashur, Eldrethila, Emeth, Edrecort, Eriadna, Ericall, Haldemar, Halzunthram, Jerbat, Karburan, Kerothar, Lathan, Lourina, Lysander, Mylertendal, Nabonidus, Quidn, Raman, Ramissur, Rodomil, Serena, Solinari, Syndylus, Talasar, Tarias, Terari, Thylera, Torenal, Traviata, Tredorian, Trintillia, Tylari, Tylion, Urbaal, Uthar, Volnay, Volospin, Xerdon, Zandor, Z u m r d i , Zyndryl.

Family names

Alphatians do not use family names, nor do they distinguish between male and female names.   The list above offers only sample names, as there are no traditional Alphatian names. Rather than naming children after a friend or relative, Alphatian parents simply invent a name to suit their image of what the child will grow up to be (the augury spell thus plays a large part in their naming customs). These names have no meaning; they are chosen by sound rather than sense-and parents will create a name that strikes them as suitably grand, elegant, or impressive. Male and female names cannot be distinguished by their form, as both are equally arbitrary. DMs and players should feel free to create their own names for characters, using the ones given here as models.


Common Dress code

Noble Dress

The common garment among men and women of the nobility is the kihara, or robe. It is a floor-length robe with long, flowing, wide sleeves, belted at the waist. That's the basic form - but there are may variants as well. Adventurers usually wear it knee-length, with trousers or hose underneath. In warmer climes, there may be string-ties at the shoulders, whereby the sleeves may be drawn up and tied off. In colder climes, the gown may be of a heavier material, often with an under-layer for insulation, and have an attached hood.   Only if one wants to remain anonymous does one leave the kihara undecorated. These robes are dyed in bright or striking colors, and embroidered in rich hues and extravagant designs.   The belt worn with the robe is usually a single, broad leather band from which pouches and sheathes may be hung. Often, though, is is a strand of leather or cord wrapped three times around and tied off in front, or a colorful sash knotted at the hip (a fashion especially popular with women).   Footwear includes slippers (for wear around the manor), soft shoes or low soft boots (for ordinary wear), or high hard boots (especially popular with adventurers and those wearing trousers).  

Commoners' Dress

Wealthier commoners (gentry and freeman level) wear clothing in much the same style... but Alphatians sumptuary laws declare that only aristocrats and higher classes may wear spider-silk in Alphatia (regardless of who wears it in the lands to which it's exported). So lower-class kiharas, though they may be just as brightly-dyed, extravagantly embroidered, and exquisitely tailored, are made of other materials, chiefly Bellissarian cotton.   Poorer Alphatians, chiefly servants and slaves, wear a more or less featureless short-sleeved tunic which comes to mid-thigh or the knees and is belted or roped at the waist. Those who prefer to or need to because of their work, also wear trousers and boots.   The military uniform is a variation of the above costume. Each kingdom in Alphatia dresses its military in a different uniform, but the uniform of the Empire (including the imperial navy) consists of the thigh-length tunic and trousers in gold, and boots and sword-belt in a dark golden brown. Cloaks (worn in cold weather and by officers) are dark brown, never hooded, and may have sleeves, tunics in cold-weather stations are long-sleeved and have lined hoods.


Gender Ideals

In Alphatia, the sexes are considered equal. Across thousands of years, it has been impossible to determine whether one gender or the other has any advantage in magic-use; common wisdom is that neither is superior, and there are very few who argue for the dominance of one sex or the other.   The mainland Thyatian's attitude of male superiority grates on the Alphatians, especially female magic-users, and this is one cause of friction between the two cultures.
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