
Bettellyn was destroyed with the rest of Alphatia during the cataclysm of 1009.
Bettellyn is a rich land of agriculture along the southeast edge of mainland Alphatia. Much of the land is divided into large estates worked by slaves and serfs, except for the northern forests and the swathe of land just behind the Bettellyn Line, which is divided into small farms that belong to Freeman descendants of veterans of the long ago wars with the Theran Empire.   The Freemen produce most of the staple foods, while the Slave and Serf labor produce cotton, wool, silk, various plants used for dyes, and other cash crops. The cities turn wool, cotton, and silk into cloth and various plants and animal parts into dyes. Slaves and Servants in Bettellyn are much better dressed than in many other parts of Alphatia; it's a matter of pride to the local aristocrats.   The capital of Citadel (pop. 50,000) was built in the early years of Alphatia, and it still remains ready for a war that likely will never come. Most of the folk of Bettellyn are fairly peaceful, although skirmishes with Randel forces it to maintain a substantial military forces along the border.


Bettellyn was destroyed with the rest of mainland Alphatia in 1009.

Demography and Population

Population: 310,000

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture, cloth, dyes, weaving, wool.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Alphatian Standard
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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