Garal Glitterlode

Worshipped in

Rockhome, Karameikos, Darokin, Norwold.  


A small Dwarf-like being with a long thin nose, hairy sideburns and eyebrows, unkempt hair and keen eyes, with a merry attitude, always wearing colourful but a bit dirty clothes and carrying a toolkit.  


Garal was born a dwarf of the old race and discovered the path to immortality in Sphere of Matter thanks to his incredible intelligence and creativity. He became immortal before Blackmoor obliterated itself in the cataclysm (probably around 3100 BC). Subsequently he decided to leave his own print in the world and he created a new race similar to the dwarves, that in the meantime began to dwindle because of the diseases and of the climatic changes which befell them after the Great Rain of Fire. Garal gave life to the gnomes, smaller and less strong than the dwarves but with an incredible ability to adapt to different environments and situations. He placed some colonies in the mountainous and hilly regions of the northern continent and in the Vulcanian line and left them free to reproduce and to establish their own culture. The gnomes soon prospered and became famous for their inventions, despite the frequent clashes with the humanoids in both continents.

Divine Domains

Gnomes, inventions, science, mechanics, crafts, thinkers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A faceted and sparkling crystal; or two joined cogs.
Divine Classification


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