
Most gnomes in Karameikos come from Rockhome or the city of Highforge. As a PC, a player can choose to take the stats of a Forest or Rock gnome:   Forest gnome: +1 Dex, +2 Int, Minor Illusion, speak with small beasts.
Rock gnome: +1 Con, +2 Int, Artificer lore, Tinker   Appearance: The gnomes of Mystara are small (about 3 1/2 feet tall) demi-human creatures believed to be from the same base stock as the Mystaran dwarves (at least the dwarves and gnomes believe this and tend to treat each other as cousins). Gnomes, more slender than dwarves, have rather pronounced noses, of which they are quite proud. Their skin ranges from dark tan to woody brown in color, their hair is pale blond or red running to white, and their eyes are usually a brilliant blue.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnome names are often similar to the suggestions in the 5e Player's Handbook, but Mystaran gnomes are more closely related to dwarves than those in most other settings, so their names can follow a similar structure. For that reason you may want to follow the guidelines below.   First names for gnomes are most commonly two syllables. Some examples are Balar, Doric, Kurto, and Torlum.   Secondary names are added to the gnome's true name. Unlike dwarves, whose names tend to refer to excellence in battle, gnome's names reflect their less warlike nature. Some examples of gnomish epithets would be Hilltopper, Cavedigger, Rockshaper and Spokewelder.

Common Dress Code

Dress: Gnomes favor traditional Traladaran dress styles, and many prefer a nose ring as a part of their jewelry.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Attitudes: The largest gnomish community, called Highforge, rests in the mountain foothills about 30 miles southeast of the town of Threshold. A large and secluded community of gnomes and a few dwarves, Highforge is mostly self-sufficient but profits from trade with humans. Highforge operates under its own law, ruled by the gnome-king Hilltopper.   The gnomes are well disposed towards King Stefan. They were insulated against much of the early Thyatian abuse against the Traladarans, and as a result they have no particlular preference between Thyatians and Traladarans. Improved trade and communication because of the king’s road-building have led to greater profit for the gnomes.


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