Haunted House

In recent times, there have been reports of fearsome hauntings, horrible shrieks, and eerie lights emanating from this dismal place near Saltmarsh. Now, not even the bravest of the area’s denizens dare to approach the house, let alone enter it.   For years, the tales of the haunted house near Saltmarsh have circulated through the region. Though most of the stories are rightfully taken as warnings to avoid the place, rumors persist of a great treasure hidden in its walls. What relics and other valuables did that old alchemist keep in the creaking floorboards and cracked plaster walls of his home?   One man, a poacher named Boris Telnos, claims to have visited it recently. He can probably be found at one of the taverns in town; The Wicker Goat, The Snapping Line, or The Empty Net.


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