
Saltmarsh is a nondescript fishing village tucked away on the westernmost part of the southern coast of Karameikos.   Saltmarsh was built on the ruins of a much older settlement, sometimes called Old Saltmarsh or the Old Harbor. One sign of this is that the town has a small stretch of wall and a single City Gate secured by two or three guards.

Local Law Enforcement

Crime breaks down into three basic categories in Saltmarsh.   Petty Crime. Public unarmed brawling, pickpocketing, and other crimes that cause up to 50 gp in property damages are classified as petty crimes. The accused typically pays a fine of 2gp, or one day of hard labor, per gold piece owed.   Minor Crime. Armed assault, defined as any nonfatal attack made with a weapon, along with any other assault or property crimes that cause more than 50 gp in damages, but less than 250 gp, are minor crimes. The perpetrator must pay a fine of 100 gp and serve up to 4 years in prison or at forced labor.   Major Crime. Crimes more severe than those outlined above, including murder, are major crimes. The criminal faces 2d10 years of imprisonment, though serious cases earn the death penalty. Often, these crimes are dealt with in the capital, Specularum, instead.


Saltmarsh’s roughly 2,500 residents are predominantly human, mostly of Traladaran descent, with the dwarven mining contingent of about two hundred workers the largest non-human faction in town. Elves and halflings draw no special notice, since the Achelos Woods hosts an elven enclave and the town sits not far from the border with Five Shires, The. The residents react to other visitors, especially humanoids, with a mixture of curiosity and fear.



Eighty trained warriors serve in the town guard. Each of them wears studded leather armor marked with a town guard’s badge — the green reed of Saltmarsh — and is armed with a club while patrolling in town. The guards work in pairs, operating from two guardhouses built near the road into Saltmarsh. A smaller station at the docks quells the fights that break out there nightly. The captain of the town guard is Eliander Fireborn.   The guard also patrols the area around Saltmarsh on horseback. Groups assigned to this duty are more heavily armed and armored; they wear chain mail and wield longswords and heavy crossbows.   A militia of two hundred fifty residents can be mustered to take up the defense of the town if it comes under attack.   A small force of marines watches over the docks and, if needed, can take to sea to meet the threat of a pirate ship or other incursion. The marines are hardened veterans of several battles. They are led by two brothers, Tom and Will Stoutly, veterans who have fought dozens of engagements against pirates, raiders, and monsters. The guard is seen as a meddlesome force, since most of its members are military veterans who migrated here with the crown’s blessing. Townsfolk tend to see them as brutish thugs, but are quick to call them when trouble arises.  
Badge of Saltmarsh.png
Badge of Saltmarsh


  • Saltmarsh Region
  • Saltmarsh
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Owning Organization

Articles under Saltmarsh

Aubreck's Mansion
Building / Landmark | Mar 3, 2020
Barracks and Jail
Building / Landmark | Feb 29, 2020
Blossom's Home
Building / Landmark | Sep 19, 2020
Carpenters’ Guildhall
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
City Gate
Building / Landmark | Jun 24, 2019
Crabber’s Cove
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Eliander's House
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Faithful Quartermasters of Ostland
Building / Landmark | Oct 8, 2020
Fishmongers’ Plants
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Hoolwatch Tower
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Ingo the Drover’s House
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Keledek Tower
Building / Landmark | Jun 24, 2019
The Leap
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Mariners’ Guildhall
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Mining Company Headquarters
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Oweland House
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Primewater Mansion
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Saltmarsh Council Hall
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Saltmarsh Cemetary
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Sea Grove of Obad-Hai
Building / Landmark | Jun 23, 2019
Sharkfin Bridge
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Solmor House
Building / Landmark | Jun 25, 2019
Standing Stones
Building / Landmark | Jul 11, 2019
Temple of Protius
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2019
Green Market
Building / Landmark | Jun 24, 2019
Kester’s Leather Goods
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
The Dwarven Anvil
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Weekly Market
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
Winston's Store
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
The Empty Net
Building / Landmark | May 23, 2020
The Snapping Line
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2019
The Wicker Goat
Building / Landmark | Aug 29, 2020
Tower of Zenopus
Building / Landmark | Jun 22, 2024
Dwarven Mines
Building / Landmark | Oct 1, 2020
Haunted House
Building / Landmark | Oct 1, 2020


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