Ilsundal the Wise

Ayodhya, Dain, Tiuz, The Guide, Laksman, Sita, Tapio.


Worshipped in

By elves everywhere  


  Ilsundal is an elderly elf with a wise gaze, whose hair color and garments change according to the fashion of the elves he appears to (he represents them all, after all).  


  Ilsundal is a patient and thoughtful immortal blessed with great sensitivity and wisdom. All the centuries spent as elf first and immortal afterwards only increased his quiet character and his slow and studied habits. Now he shows the most seraphic calm even in the middle of the most furious of battles. He always watches over his followers and assures that the elves still hold to the ancient sylvan ways and don't abuse the knowledge and arcane arts they master.   Ilsundal's most trusted friend and ally is Mealiden, the first king of Alfheim who always guards his patron. Ilsundal is also a good ally of Calitha and Ordana, who share his love for nature and the elven race. He loathes Atzanteotl and Idris, two immortals bent on destroying and corrupting the elven race, and must always be on watch against the evil schemes of these Entropic immortals.

Divine Domains

Protecting elves and nature, wisdom, scholarship, magic, traditions, serenity & peace.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silhouette of the Tree of Life.
Divine Classification


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