
Elves range all over the world and can use the stats for a High or Wood elf, regardless of their enclave, though the Shadow Elf follows their own template. See the PHB for the full trait list.   High Elf: +2 Dex, +1 Int, Elf Weapon Training, Cantrip, Extra Language.
Wood Elf: +2 Dex, +1 Wis, Elf Weapon Training, Fleet of Foot, Mask of the Wild.   Appearance: All elves share certain racial characteristics. They tend to be shorter and slimmer than most humans, including Traladarans (5 feet tall for both males and females and weighing a maximum of 120 Ibs.). Mystaran elves have ponted ears. Callarii elves are robust and healthy, with very pale hair, (blond to white) and blue eyes. Vyalia have pale skin. reddish hair, and deep green eyes. The Alfheim refugees tend to have fair skin and blond, light brunette, or white hair.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Karameikan elves (both Callarii and Vyalia) usually have only one lyrical and unique name. Thalaric and Allandaros are typical male names, while Sythandria and Stellara suit females. With the arrival of such a large number of Alfheim elves, many elves are taking surnames, either a clan or family name (Chossun, Brendelar) or something descriptive (Trollbaiter, Shadowslayer).   More info, from Wendar examples: Alarrain, Alevar, Algorn, Allandaros, Amaranth, Anderswen, Andriana, Arloen, Azalarer, Besathan, Brendian, Carlisan, Celedryl, Clain, Cylithera, Delandra, Deloran, Delsel, Doriath, Draugin, Duarlinga, Durfendor, Durifern, Dvlen. Dvradvl, Elana, Eliara, Endedoc, Enoreth, Eronion, Ethrilord, Feadris, Feradar, Ferian, Fillindyl, Fionna, Galladin, Garanahil, Gilanthus, Gilfronden, Goriidel, Halimath, Haranavel, Jarsali, Jorodrin, Kanali, Kawa, Laranis, Larian, Leadyl, Lynnwyl, Malissin, Mendaril, Miridor, Myris, Prestele, Qantir, Quillan, Semien, Serena, Shalander, Sharastra, Sharlikran, Shelingar, Shermakan, Shurengyla, Stellara, Sythandria, Taragin, Telanith, Thalaric, Theriatis, Tuladin, Tulenil, Vanar, Vilana.
Surnames: Ariesseu, Arnuanna, Callarii, Callirr, Erendyl, Erewan, Feadiel, Jaralrnus, Marathas, Mealidil, Pyreen, Vyalia   Elves, like Alphatians, prefer new names to traditional ones for their children; thus, the listing above is only a sampling of typical elven names. Surnames are optional; some well-known families adopt them, but they are the exceptions, not the rule. Also like Alphatians, elven names are not exclusive by sex. A few elven clans forgo typical elven names in favor of adventuring names similar to those used by the Atruaghins.

Common Dress Code

Dress: Elves prefer to wear tunics or robes of green with leaf patterns embroidered upon them, and elves native to the Karameikan forests eschew jewelry. Typical weapons include long swords and short bows.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Attitudes: The Callarii are the most prolific of the Karameikan elves, a merry and hard-working tribe proficient in riverboating, riding, horse trading, hunting, and forestry. The Callarii elves feel neutral toward humans in general. They become fast friends with humans who demonstrate honor and humor, but they do not cooperate with humans who act pretentious, dishonorable, or rude. King Stefan has a guard unit entirely composed of Callarii elves, which has given many elves the chance to meet him and has made the Callarii favorably disposed toward the king.   The Vyalia elves, on the eastern border, are more reclusive, staying away from human settlements. The Vyalia clans across the border in Thyatis tend to have closer ties to humans, but the clans in Karameikos prefer to seek the sanctuary and stillness of the deep woods.   The Alfheim elves are still recovering from their exile in the north. Their homeland, conquered by an underground race called the shadow elves, has gone from a green and magical forest to a haunted, blighted moor. As a result, Alfheim elves end to act short-tempered and suspicious of other races. In their own country they were the dominant race, so some individuals have a haughty attitude toward humans that makes even the Thyatian's attitude toward Traladarans seem friendly by comparison.   As for elf player characters, the above are generalities; players and DMs should feel free to run their characters and NPCs as they like.


At least three major waves of elves have migrated into Karameikos . The earliest wave dates back to the first elf refugees from their great empires to the south; the Vyalia elves are the only remnant of that wave. The Callarii elves later enter Karameikos during its dark age and still occupy much of the forested land of the central region. Most recently, Alfheim elves have crossed the border into the kingdom, fleeing destruction of their homeland by the Shadow Elves.

Articles under Elf


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