Kingdom of Ierendi

An archipelago nation south of the Five Shires, the Kingdom of Ierendi is comprised of ten main islands.
  1. Alcove Island
  2. Aloysius Island
  3. Elegy Island
  4. Fletcher Island
  5. Honor Island
  6. Ierendi Island
  7. Roister Island
  8. Safari Island
  9. Utter Island
  10. White Island


Once a Thyatian prison colony for malcontents (including a great many halflings from the Five Shires who resented Thyatian domination), these islands became pirate havens. The marooned exiles-turned-pirates intermarried with the native Makai islanders, leading to the current unusual mix of names.   In more recent years, the islands have experienced a flood of immigration by adventurers from many nations seeking to compete in the annual tournament to become king or queen of Ierendi. Some of these newcomers choose to settle down and stay, contributing their own cultures’ names to the mix. The Makai do not use surnames, but some islanders have adopted the habit from ancestors who hailed from other lands. More commonly, islanders will have some designator based on personality, appearance, or profession - for example, Ruce the Birdman, Moana the Fair, or Sama the Fletcher.  

Safari Island

Safari Island, located in the far northeast corner of the kingdom, is a virtual paradise for travelers and adventurers. In addition to its scenic splendors and its colorful, comfortable resorts, Safari Island boasts the finest wilderness and adventure parks in the Known World.   The small village of Kobos, population 800, situated on a small inlet of the Wautili River, is the capital and principal settlement of Safari Island. Here visitors may find refreshment, entertainment, and rustic accommodations. Here also visitors can obtain transportation to the other resorts and action parks on the island, and can arrange for tours in the wilderness preserves.   There are two other villages on the island - Calatupos, population 349, on the northwest coast, and Pupami, population 178, in the interior along the Wautili River. The rest of the island’s population is scattered in small fishing settlements along the coast and in the communities supporting the island’s wilderness and adventure park facilities.   Many come simply to relax on the island’s beaches or to enjoy the pageantry of the weekly and spontaneous native celebrations, but those visitors with a taste for danger and adventure have two popular choices: the wilderness preserves and the action adventure parks.   Ninety percent of Safari Island’s interior has been set aside as a government supervised wilderness park under the joint jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior and the Department of Customs and Assessments. These parks contain numerous native and exotic species of plants, animals, and monsters. Such creatures are hunted to extinction in civilized lands, or present a grave threat to settlers in the frontier regions of the world. Here, however, man can be protected from the monsters, and the monsters protected from man, by sternly enforced laws concerning access to the wilderness parks. The government licenses private tour operators which take visitors on short or extended sight-seeing and hunting expeditions into the wilderness parks. Amateur and professional adventurers can also obtain licenses to hunt various exotic and magical beasts which are then sold for large profits (even after a healthy export surcharge) in the spell components trade.   It is illegal to enter a wilderness park without a licensed guide (who is then responsible for your actions) or a permit from the Department of the Interior. It is illegal to hunt any creature on the Protected Species list without a license from the Department of the Interior and a permit for that specific species from the Department of Customs and Assessments.   Casual hunters may obtain one-day and three-day licenses from tour operators for 10 and 20 gp respectively. Short-term species permits vary in cost from 5-500 gp, according to the value and rarity of the species in question. Serious amateurs and professionals may apply directly to the Department of the Interior for licenses and permits of longer duration. Costs vary according to the duration and species sought, but may range from 100 gp for a one-month license for less valuable species to 5,000 gp for certain gargantuan monsters.

Agriculture & Industry

Tourism is the primary industry of Ierendi.    


Kingdom of Ierendi


  • Kingdom of Ierendi
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories


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