Halfling (Hin)

Halflings are not uncommon in the Karameikos, though most come from the Five Shires and call their race the Hin.   Hin PCs can use the stats for Lightfoot or Stout halfling traits, regardless of where they are from. See the PHB for the full trait list.   Lightfoot: +2 Dex, +1 Cha, Naturally Stealthy.
Stout: +2 Dex, +1 Con, Stout Resilience.   Appearance: Halflings (they call themselves the hin) are a small race about 3 feet in height. They have ruddy complexions, sandy to dark-brown hair, and blue or hazel eyes. Their faces are small and childlike, and as such people often mistake them for human children. One telling trait of almost all halflings is their fur-topped feet.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names: Halfling names are just like common English given names. Family names have several syllables and frequently describe family characteristics or professions. Examples include Bill Trenchermann (from a family of big eaters), Anna Hillfort (from a family with a well-defended hilltop home) or Joshuan Gallidox (interesting last name).   Five Shires-style names:
Male names: Abran, Ashmore, Belden, Benj, Blasko, Bolgor, Brewster, Bungo, Calkin, Cobbler, Dwilcath, Fielding, Filbert, Gully, Gwiston, Hofflik, Harl, Jasser, Jenkin, Jolly, Kepli, Moss, Nip, Nob, Oglentyr, Pelbion, Pelm, Rory, Wally, Warwick, Wash
Female names: Dorith, Fern, Hazel, Holly, Jalassa, Jatha, Jess, Linn, Maeragh, Magil, Maple, Meera, Melindy, Milliciny, Pedderee, Petrilly, Sass, Tabith, Tetha, Willowberry
Surnames: Alehill, Applebee, Amster, Barrelrider, Battlebur, Bramble, Dappleglade, Dudley, Dunrose, Flintfoot, Foxhollow, Greenleaf, Grubb, Heathertoes, Hillhollow, Hoefurrow, Journeyfoot, Kalliwart, Leafloper, Longbuck, Longquaff,Ogglemurk, Oldfur, Oldhill, Omblestaff, Osgood, Owlhoot, Plashdeep, Plodmoor, Pytchplume, Quettory, Rush, Shindlewood, Shortwick, Standfast, Stoutbottle, Talbot, Tangleberry, Treeshadow, Trencherman, Trundlestump, Tubbins, Tuck, Tumblebrook, Upplemere, Weatherbee, Woodwort   The halfling inhabitants of the Five Shires prefer short, simple names for the most part; nicknames are common among those with grander given names. In addition to the names listed above, halflings are often named after plants or foods.

Common Dress Code

Dress: The hin prefer the flashy styles of traditional Traladaran dress, usually supplementing it with a billowing cape or hooded robe. Halflings go barefoot in all seasons, as the thick pads of their feet remain unaffected by normal cold and rough surfaces.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Attitudes: Most halflings in Karameikos emigrated from the neighboring Five Shires, drawn by the heavy trade in Karameikos. Many halfling traders, craftsmen, and innkeepers live in Mirros, Kelvin, and smaller communities. While there are no large hin clans in Karameikos, the halflings have their own “subculture,” frequenting taverns and other facilities that cater exclusively to them.   When halflings do exhibit a preference, they side with Traladarans, whom they consider to be life-loving, romantic, expressive people, as opposed to Thyatians, whom they find cold and unsympathetic.


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