
The native peoples of the Ierendi islands, the Makai have always enjoyed a mild, sunny climate, an abundance of food with a minimum of work, and a slow, easy pace of life. Outsiders quickly, and gratefully, adopt the customs of the Makai - customs shaped by the islands' peaceful and generous environment.  Makai tend to be sturdy and healthy; men average 5 feet, 10 inches and the women 5 feet, 6 inches.  The Makai are generally dark skinned, with brown hair and brown eyes, though many are mixed with Thyatian heritage, making lighter skin and blue or hazel eyes not uncommon.  Their hair tends towards curly and is usually worn long - those whose professions require more labor tend to tie their hair in varied styles or even cut it short.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Most Makai use no family name and usually prefer brief, concise names, such as:  Gan, Kani, Tia, Fero, Dak, Rena, Den, Han, Kira, Pol, Jin, Kerril, Garot, Ru, and Vimo.


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