
(a.k.a. Old Man of the Sea)

Ahti, Manadyn, Manwara, Nithys, Father Ocean, The Spuming Nooga, Old Man of the Sea, Sovereign of the Oceans and Water, Patron of Sailors, Protector of Marine Fauna.


Worshipped in

Thyatis, Karameikos, Republic of Darokin, Kingdom of Ierendi, Minrothad Guilds, Alphatia, Isle of Dawn, Pearl Islands, Northern Reaches, Norwold.  


The race of Protius’s idealized form varies based on each type of follower that worships him, but all (either human, or triton, or merrow, etc.) share certain characteristics. Always with the traits of a male individual of advanced age, with beard, mustache, and hair made from greenish algae, with a nude body or enveloped by algae that constantly drips salt water, and a trident held in his fist. His face is mercurial: at one time he is calm and seraphic, then suddenly he is happy, only to get angry the moment after, passing to alternate stages of reflection or determined by his fixed expression.   His other manifestation forms are a great dolphin of remarkable intelligence and a gigantic whale.  


Protius is one of those Immortals of the so-called First Generation, so ancient that there is no record of his mortal form, even if he ever had been one. He has always been associated with the water and the immensity of the sea as well as to its awful force. Protius is worshipped all over the world by those cultures that have to deal with seas and rivers, and was often shown as the Old Man of the Sea, to prove that his true race is unidentified, and each marine culture considers him as a member of their own species. By the sub-aquatic creatures he is known as Manwara, and every one of the more important races attribute to him a different role in their own pantheon.

Divine Domains

Oceans and marine creatures, water, unpredictability, travel.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blue trident.
Divine Classification


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