Saltmarsh Rumor Mill

This is a catch-all section for news, rumors, and postings in Saltmarsh.
  • Fishing ships from Saltmarsh have had unknown aquatic humanoids sneaking aboard and damaging equipment. A few sailors have gone missing.
  • Dunadale, a remnant of Alphatia, has fallen to Thyatis.
  • Ground was broken on Flaurmont 1 for the magic school in Krakatos.
  • An earthquake some 30 miles southwest of Saltmarsh, near The Five Shires, was reported in mid-Thaumont.
  • Forces from Luln have routed what humanoid bands they have found and returned additional citizens to Greenest, but many are still unaccounted for.
  • Baron Ludwig von Hendriks believes the attack on Greenest must have come from the Cruth Lowlands or the lands around Luln, but has promised to root out any humanoid tribes within the Black Eagle Barony.
  • The Mariners’ Guildhall is looking for people to secure Abbey Isle so a lighthouse may be built. There was a cult on the island, but a recent attack by pirates may have left it abandoned.
  • Boris Telnos has been telling tales of finding the ruins of an ancient city in the Dreadwood, northeast of Saltmarsh.
  • A pirate called Bluebeard has been making a name for himself in the seas around Minrothad and Thyatis.
  • The flooding in Darokin and the Five Shires has lessened.
  • Gaity, in the Alatian Islands, has fallen to Thyatis.
  • Flaurmont 13 would have been Empress Ariadna's birthday.
  • Saltmarsh ships have taken more security measures and recent catches have been at normal levels.
  • Flaurmont 20 - ten graves were dug up in the Saltmarsh Cemetary and their contents removed, large tracks leading off to the east.
  • Flaurmont 22 will be the birthday of Emperor Thincol I.
  • Yarthmont 15 is Howling Day in Alphatia. On this night of the full moon, Alphatians are expected to celebrate with no restraint - abandon work, run amok, have fun, howl at the moon, give in to mad passions, etc.


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