Saltmarsh Town Council

The Saltmarsh town council is made up of five individuals:   Eda Oweland (Traditionalist)
Gellan Primewater (Traditionalist)
Anders Solmor (Traditionalist)
Eliander Fireborn (Loyalist)
Manistrad Copperlocks (Loyalist)
  Traditionalists: The traditionalist faction is an alliance of the prominent fishing families and merchants in town, along with the workers who rely on those industries for a living. The traditionalists fear tighter controls and regulations could lead to war with smugglers and pirates, the "Sea Princes", within Ierendi or Minrothad. Smuggling has long been an easy way to make money in Saltmarsh, and locals generally look the other way, seeing it as a victimless crime.   The traditionalists would like to see the dwarves’ mining efforts fail and interest from the east wane, so that Saltmarsh’s dependable fishing trade can thrive and the smugglers in the area are left alone. They resent the intrusion of outsiders seeking to transform Saltmarsh and undoubtedly drain power from the fishing families to give to dwarves and merchants.   This faction relies on two council members for representation. Eda Oweland leads the faction and can count on Gellan Primewater to back her up. Anders Solmor is young and unpredictable, but he has supported the traditionalists’ viewpoint on most issues.   At their best, traditionalists are community-minded folk who want Saltmarsh to return to its old way of doing things, arguing that the town has survived for a century by sticking to its original priorities. They suffered mightily due to the Sea Princes’ depredations and remember the days when the crown turned a blind eye to their troubles. Their loyalty to the king runs second to their desire for peace and quiet.   Loyalists: The loyalists consist of newcomers who arrived from Thyatis, loyal to King Stefan Karameikos They feel that the town should focus on becoming a useful asset to the crown and value the good of the kingdom before the good of the region. The town guard, the dwarves, and the local farmers are generally loyalists.   The loyalists care about security. They want to keep Karameikos’s enemies at bay while ensuring law and order. They see smuggling as a key problem, as it enriches the Sea Princes at the cost of the royal treasury and the efforts of honest merchants.   Above all else, the members of this faction put their faith in law. They exert influence through the town guard, though they remain within their legal authority.   At their best, the loyalists want to grow Saltmarsh into a trading hub with a higher standard of living and improved security. If the Sea Princes are held in check and the sea lanes cleared of threats, Saltmarsh can grow to become the envy of the world.   At their worst, the loyalists see the people of Saltmarsh as a barrier to growth. The locals are little more than allies of the Sea Princes, traitors who for too long have evaded the crown’s notice. If they were to do as the loyalists tell them, then perhaps this fish-reeking pile of a town could become something respectable.

Articles under Saltmarsh Town Council


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