Session 45 - About Town II

27 Klarmont 1010 - 1 Felmont 1010

General Summary

The party settles back into town, finding a lot has happened since they left. The effects of the Hin blockade of the Black Eagle Barony has been hard on Saltmarsh. There are stories of the Hin harassing the fishing boats, and even a collision, and the catch has been suffering, hurting everyone's bottom line. Freight shipping in and out of Saltmarsh is way down as well. The result is a steady increase in tensions in town. In addition to shipping being slowed down, there is also the issue of the Westron road being effectively closed by the heavy military presence. There are concerns that the situation could boil into a civil war, though at the moment this doesn't seem to be an immediate threat.   They do their normal rounds of town, selling the hides of the Red Devils and the Green Devil, along with the Yuan-Ti Abomination. They also stop by Winston's and the Faithful Quartermasters inquiring after magic items. Leo requests that the Faithful Quartermasters look into the Displacer Beast skins to determine if there is something that can be done to replicate that effect of not being where you appear to be. Also Seraphina pays off the remaining amount due for the de-cursed axe.   They catch wind of rumors at the bar after hours, and find out that Clara has not been seen at the bakers in some time. The party decides to check in to this situation the next day. Also the archeologist Gnome seems to be hiring lots of laborers up at the site of the temple ruins. There is also a rumor that Boris Telnos saw a behemoth in the Blight Swamp. The next day, folks break up into different groups to chase down what's going on. Seraphina and Tork head to the bakery to inquire after Clara, where they find that she has taken the shearing and purchased a horse, and was headed on the road as she had planned to do with Stefan.   Leo and Stavos catch up with Eliander and find that all the leads about the Iron Ring interest in Tork was a dead end. The Iron Ring works in cells, and the leader of the cell was killed in that attack, leaving no one with further information. Eliander recommends the party keep together, and keep alert until more is known, though he doesn't feel confident that it will go anywhere.   They decide to wander town and enjoy the coming festival and check in on Blossom's home, where they find out that the eldest child has left to make his own way in the military. They also find out that the children are asking about getting a dog, but Blossom hasn't made a decision on this topic.   As they wander the streets, a messenger tracks them down and gives them an invitation to Gellan Primewater's house for the Night of Fire celebration. It is expected that there will be fireworks, and it is also expected that Gellan will announce he is running for reelection. The party plans to attend, and Seraphina goes to the tailor to get a new green dress for the party.   The party is a "blast" as usual, and Gellan is a great host. They talk to him about Clara, as well as the blockade situation and the general mood of the town. He implies he'd like them to back his candidacy, but they simply say they will support anyone that the voters select. To keep things neutral on the surface, they also speak with Aubreck, who is accompanied closely by Skerrin Wavechaser, as there has been a rumor that he is considering running for the open seat as well. The party also expresses their neutrality to Aubrek, and discuss pleasantries. Seraphina spends much of the party dancing with other guests, including Anders Solmor.  Just before the fireworks, Tork notices a flash of green light in the distance, appearing to come from that tower on the river they passed long ago, and perhaps this represents some sort of future opportunity. They enjoy the fireworks, thank Gellan for his hospitality, and head off to their various sleeping quarters.   The next day they enjoy a bit of the festival atmosphere in town for Beasts Day, but don't have any particular plans for their time. As they are wandering the street, Leo is bumped, and finds a note in his hand. Unsure who or what bumped him, he waits for a time to read the note. When he does, it is an invitation to meet at 10pm at the Empty Net. When he gets a chance, he informs the rest of the party, and they make plans to be prepared for anything, as a previous invitation lead to the abduction attempt on Tork.   The party arrives as scheduled at the Empty Net, and they gather drinks at the bar, where they find that their drinks have already been paid for in advance and they should head to the private dining room. They thank him and leave the bartender a nice tip.   Entering the dimly lit room it seems no one else is there, but then another lantern is lit and they recognize a small, eye-patch wearing figure seated at the head of the table. With a wide grin, the familiar voice of Black Jack Everbrand asks, "So, do you fishfuckers want to take down the Black Eagle Baron?"
Report Date
30 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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