Session 71 - Deep Cold

6 Eirmont 1010

General Summary

After a brief rest, to recover from the big giant fight, the party continues their exploration of the cave system, working their way through the western caves along the rift. Their expectation is that by doing so they will protect their rear after they go down the rough hewn stairs into the rift. However, this cave system seems to extend much further south than they anticipated. After two encounters with Frost Giant pairs, one on watch, and one sleeping (clearly the party doesn't know to let sleeping giants lie), they find themselves in a hall with carvings and bas-reliefs glorifying the giants. Frighteningly, the hall is lit by cressets that are powered by Fire Beetles!   However, as they work their way yet further south, they find signs of perhaps reduced giant glory. There are several giant skeletons in a cavern, with signs that they died violently. They have bags with them that show signs of decay, suggesting that the Giants haven't gone this way in quite a while. As the party enters the room, they are swarmed by some sort of icy Giant Toads. Luckily, Leo isn't the only one that entered the room, or  panic would have overwhelmed him. When the Ice Toads latch onto to their targets it chills them to the bone. Luckily, these toads are much weaker combatants than Frost Giants. With the numbers only slightly in favor of the toads, the party is able to take down a few, extracting their allies from the icy grips of the toads before anyone is devoured! As some of the injured toads try to retreat, the party gains more of an advantage, allowing them to quickly crush the remaining creatures.   With this threat dealt with, the party consults the Chronolometer, which does not point towards the cave-in leading southeast from the cavern.  The party decides that maybe they should check out a couple other areas they passed on the way here. Backing up towards the main hallway there is a passage with some apparently abandoned supplies suitable for giants, though useless to the party. Backtracking a little further, they decide to open a passage blocked by an icy boulder. The room beyond is fairly dark, but in the haze they see a pile of valuable gems, gold, and items piled together.  However, before Leo or anyone else can rush forward, Tork notices a large, winged creature skulking in the shadows. It seems to be a young White Dragon, a bit more mature than the one they encountered in the Sunless Citadel. Elincia chats up the Dragon and, while she is chatting, they become aware of a second Dragon skulking further back in the room. In the end the party negotiates bringing the Dragons some Giant Toad from their prior encounter. The Dragons seem amenable to this, but the Treasure remains. Leo seems only partially satisfied by the conclusion, but maybe they can come back later and somehow get a better look at the Treasure, and maybe these Dragons shouldn't be left around.   The party closes the entrance behind them, and decides to continue exploring the area. Just across the way there is another passage, and as they push aside the boulder, they immediately encounter another Ice Giant, a great horn hanging on chains from the ceiling before him.
Report Date
15 Jan 2023


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