Session 77 - Barony Business

21 Eirmont 1010 - 2 Kaldmont 1010

General Summary

After dealing with the town regarding the slaver's from Alphatia, all dead or in custody except for the one fleeing wizard, the party departs for Halag to see if they can help Milo Korrigan get things operating smoothly.   They are able to arrange a meeting with Milo shortly after arriving and he is happy to have their support. He mentions that there is a town that has been abandoned to the south that has a good port area, and if it could be re-occupied safely it may help the region become more self-sufficient.   The party takes a Wind Walk to the town of Highport and scouts from the sky. One larger building, a fire-damaged church compound, having a couple courtyards and attached buildings, shows signs of recent cart and foot traffic near its main entrance. The party decides to start their investigation here, and settle across the street, where they change back to normal form. They decide to investigate the north western entrance, which seems to be a barred from the inside heavy wooden door.   Stavos lifts the bar from the outside, slipping his rapier between the gap between the shoddy doors, the bar clattering to the ground on the other side. Upon opening the door, they find themselves engaged with a roomful of orcs. Unfortunately for the orcs, the party is not particularly threatened, and makes very short work of them. The doors to the south are also barred and covered in a motley array of holy symbols nailed into place. The doors open to a hallway east and another set of doors directly across from the pair they just opened.   The party decides to go straight across the hall, and this door opens to one of the courtyards, overgrown with weeds, bushes, and half-dead trees. As they investigate, the trees seem to be reaching for them maliciously and the area has an air of wrongnees. They come across a crypt, but before they can investigate it they find them surrounds by Ghouls and a couple of Ghasts.   After quickly defeating the undead, the haunting feel seems to have dissipated. Opening the crypt they find a staircase down, which they decide to investigate as there are signs of recent passage.   They decend into a subterranean passageway, more sprawling than one would expect. As they explore, Tork notices a secret door on the left that they investigate. It opens to the town sewer system, which they set about exploring, using Leo's owl to scout some smaller side passages. Eventually, they find some sort of dammed up area, blocked by a large amount of detritus. They are a bit tentative about the footing and send Leo's owl to explore deeper into the side tunnels, which are rougher, dug out and not part of the sewer system proper. There they find some large insectoid creatures, walking upright and armed with weapons and shields (two of each), and what may be a nursery for these creatures. As anticipated, these become hostile as they disturb the area and come down the passage into the detritus room - combat follows.   As Stavos steps into the backed-up pile in front of him, he stumbles as the floor below the garbage must descend, and is grabbed/bitten by something in the pile! Whatever is in there is potentially quite hazardous. Stavos is pulled out of the deeper area and the ensuing combat with the insectoids is a bit more intense than the other combats. After the party dispatches the enemy, it is not clear what they have stumbled into - the insect-men are unknown to anyone in the group.

Character(s) interacted with

Milo Korrigan
Report Date
30 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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