The Everlasting Light

    Formerly the Sea Ghost, this ship was seized by the party and awarded to them by the Saltmarsh Town Council.

  1. Main Deck. A jollyboat is lashed to the deck and a large hatch leads to the hold below. The Crow's Nest is on the mast and 40' above, with room for two medium-sized creatures and a trapdoor with rope ladder.
  2. Forecastle. The capstan and bowsprit take up much of the room of this area. The capstan arms are removable.
  3. Poop Deck. The 6' tiller is the main feature of this area.
  4. Galley Stores. Storage for food.
  5. Ship's Stores. Storage for supplies such as rope, nails, tar, tools, etc.
  6. Ship's Galley. Crude metal stove (with metal chimney), cooking implements, and chair. A hooded lantern hangs in the middle of the room.
  7. Small Quarters. This room currently has three hammocks, a table bolted to the deck, and three wooden chairs. A hooded lantern hangs in the middle of the room.
  8. Master Cabin. A single bunk, made up with bed linen, has its head against a bulkhead running along the centerline of the ship. A polished wood table stands in the center of the room, bolted to the deck. On the table is a silver bowl containing an assortment of fruit, a silver carafe, and a silver goblet. Set at the table are two upright wooden chairs and a padded leather chair. On the deck toward the stern is a wooden, brass-bound chest. From the center of the ceiling, over the table, hangs a hooded lantern.
  9. Captain's Cabin. A single bunk, made up with bed linen, has its head against the bulkhead running along the centerline of the ship next to a wooden partition squaring off the corner near the main deck. A writing desk is set against the hull toward the stern; it has a drawer on each side and three trays on the top. Also on the desktop, just in front of the trays, is an ink pot, two quill pens, a small knife, and a pewter container that resembles a pepper pot. Against the desk is set an upright wooden chair, and beside it is a wooden, brass-bound chest. Against the hull on the starboard side is a padded leather couch. In front of it, a bearskin rug lies on the deck, while beneath the couch can be seen a large metal box. A hooded lantern hangs from the ceiling. Under the bearskin rug, a hatch leads to the First Mate's Cabin.
  10. Crew Quarters. These crew quarters fill the entire forward part of this deck. A companionway staircase leads up from a point about six feet from the bulkhead. Near it, more to starboard, is a door. Around the perimeter of the cabin, slung between hooks on the bulkhead and on supporting poles, are eight hammocks. Beneath each hammock is a brass-bound wooden sea chest. In the center of the cabin stands a long, plain wooden table with a bench along each of its longer sides, all bolted to the deck. Over the table, hanging from the ceiling, is a hooded lantern. Against the starboard side, an area has been curtained off by cheap, dirty cloth hangings.
  11. Cargo Hold. Through the center of the hold runs the base of the main mast; beside it, narrow wooden stairs lead up to the hatch above. A lantern hangs just forward of the main mast. Other than ropes for securing cargo, the hold is currently empty.
  12. Bosun's Cabin. In the center of the cabin sits a plain wood table on which stand a pewter flagon and a pewter mug. Beside the table is a wooden chair, and hanging over the table is an unlit hooded lantern. Also hanging from the ceiling, at the aft end of the cabin, is a large cage that holds Cuppa, the parrot. Next to the hull hangs a hammock. Beneath it is a brass-bound wooden sea chest.
  13. First Mate's Cabin. This cabin occupies half the stern section on this deck, with one bulkhead running along the centerline of the ship. Along this bulkhead, leading up in the direction of the bow, is an enclosed companionway. At its foot, a door in the central bulkhead leads to the other part of the stern. A single bunk is set against the hull. At its foot is a brass-bound wooden sea chest. Under the bunk is a brass box. In the center of the cabin, a plain wooden table is bolted to the deck, beside the table is a wooden chair. Hanging from the ceiling over the table is a hooded lantern. Just aft of the hook that holds the lantern is a hatch measuring three feet on a side, leading to the Captain's Cabin.
  14. Secret Cell. A dark, cramped area only four feet wide at most, squeezed in between the ship’s stern and the adjacent cabin, was formerly used as a holding cell.
  15. Secret Cache. This cramped area, only four feet wide at the widest, is sandwiched between the adjacent cabin and the ship’s stern. It was previously used to hold smuggled/secret goods.
  16. Bilge. This area stretches the full width and length of the ship. The bottom of the ship is covered with a thick layer of wet sand for ballast. The area is reasonably clean after being purged of rot grubs and vermin by the Saltmarsh port authorities.

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