
A large, open, bright town in northern Karameikos, Threshold is favored by merchants, fishermen, and adventurers.  


The King's Law is enforced, with the following important additions:  
  • Within the town limits, no wizard magic may be cast. It is a Class 1 crime for spells that inflict no damage. Mild curses are cast on offenders, increasing in severity with repeat offenses.
  • Only daggers, swords, and staves may be carried within town limits without special permission. Town guards confiscate prohibited weapons, which are kept in the town hall until the owners leave (a receipt is issued to them). Carrying and using non-approved weapons is a Class 2 crime.
  • Though the wearing of armor is not against the law, town guards repeatedly question those in armor about their business.
  • No family house may be built within 50 feet of another family dwelling. Disobeying this rule is a Class 1 crime, and the offending building must be dismantled.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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