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Adjudicator (a.k.a. Jude)

Servant of Saepha, Maiden of Purity   "Welcome to being, son of Saepha. You are here to fulfill a righteous task. Destroy the vile spawn that threaten all things good and fair. You will be trained in the ways of war, and made a living weapon for justice...of justice. This is the decree of our fair Lady, and her words are law."

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Irrelevant to the mission.


Irrelevant to the mission.


I have been trained by the Order’s Rectors in the martial arts, divine channeling, and leadership.


I am the chief proprietor of the Foglight Tavern in Port Polimar, which I intends to use to raise capital to finance my holy crusade.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Forged a legendary blade with Ascon.
  • Founded a prospering tavern.
  • Tamed two Nightmares of the Abyss.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Got slapped by a mummy lord.
  • Got slapped by a Yugaloth.
  • Got slapped by a sea lord.

Mental Trauma

Fogfull Reformatory addled my mind. The more time I spend away from the place, the more resilient I feel.

Intellectual Characteristics

I speak with a surprising verbosity for a six year old.

Morality & Philosophy

All fiends should be destroyed, enslaved, or conquered. Humans are generally untrustworthy, unless they prove otherwise.

Personality Characteristics


I will seal this plane away from the Abyss, forever.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

I am not very stealthy, nor would I want to be.

Likes & Dislikes

  • My party.
  • The Blood War.
  • Gambling.
  • The Tavern.
  • Infernal beings.
  • Hammit.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal to my fellow soldiers. Devoted to completing the Mission.

Vices & Personality flaws

Erratic and impulsive. Gambling addiction.

Personality Quirks

I can't sleep, but I'm trying.


Contacts & Relations

  • Charles Erish
  • Priestess Vegner
  • Gaucho Rein
  • Jean-Luc Rol
  • The Yugaloth from the Road
The Order of Saepha
  • Aggmad, Primarch
  • Hylaetha, Weaponsmaster
  • Rolath, High Rector

Religious Views

Her Glory is eternal, and will protect this world from the great Rending.

Social Aptitude


Wealth & Financial state


I am the Blade lost to the Dark. I am the Weapon of Purity. I am Saepha's Will on earth. I am Purpose. I am Radiance. I am Vengeance. I am the Adjudicator.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Living Weapon of Saepha
Date of Birth
Date Unknown, Year 3215
The Order Stronghold
Current Residence
Foglight Tavern, Port Polimar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Metallic (Gold-Burnished, Iron) and Wood
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Let me tell you the tale of the Blood War.”   "I am no longer the mindless weapon you lost in the darkness. I am more radiant than you will ever be. I am Saepha's will."
Known Languages
Common, Infernal

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The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Unholy Alliance
Entry 29

Our temporary ally Minza, a fallen Aasimar met at Dante's Saloon, informed me of a profane rumor; that Demogorgon and Baphomet may be joining forces in order to claim ground in the unholy Blood War. I will report this to my Order as soon as possible.

The Communal Prayer
Entry 28

Vengeance we shall be; For Thee, my Lady, for Thee; Power hath descended forth from Thy hand; That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command; That we strike down upon evil with no Quarter from Thee; And a bloody river forth we shall flow free; And teeming with their wicked souls shall it ever be.

Entry 26

I will hunt a demon lord to power a planar pylon. I've learned a lord named Graz'zt does dealings with an Archduke "Levistus," an infernal lord native to Stygia, fifth layer of the Hells. I know this connects to the dream I had, where I witnessed a frozen gaol bound in wailing rime.

Machine Minds
Entry 25

After a day's research in Nonazar, I have reason to believe that other constructs like me exist. They were scouted by Dwarven sentries south of Skycrest Sanctuary, near an amorphous mountain range.   ---   Maledrid, 3218: "Reporting on the latest from the 'three cities' which is a name now outdated. A fourth city appears to have been constructed wholesale. More disturbing than that, the Crimson Cliffs now extend southward a full days ride compared to their previous location. High levels of security with a readily expanding border wall, ever-present watchtowers, and manned aerial gliders patrolling the skies. Staggering shipments of many metals and it seems a few inside are wearing them as full body armor, covered head to toe...never seen anything of its like."   Maledrid, 3220: "4th city appears as robust, humming, and well defended as the rest of them now. This is speculation, but it feels appropriate to include. I no longer believe these are humans covered fully in armor, but rather made of metal themselves. I cannot confirm. Often I have seen them in two lines of five moving prcicely behind a commander of some kind. They are very well disciplined. I am moving to a closer location to attempt to confirm my beliefs."   Yazzen, 3221: "I've found the old camp. No sign of activity for some time. I will establish my site near the old lookout but still keep Sanctuary in sight. Will report any sightings of Maledrid at once, but will wait for instruction on how to proceed."

Knowledge Lost, Salvation Found
Entry 24

The Tome (author unknown) called "Endless Slaughter" describes three ways to potentially ameliorate the threat of the Blood War:   I. Planar Plugs II. Demonic Force Reduction III. Planar Deflection   Additionally, a nameless black tome (author unknown) expands:   1. Planar Plugs: The pylons must be completed and placed in an array. Four are required, and they must be built from a planar conductive material and stand 40 ft. tall. The essence of a powerful entity (from the target plane) must be placed in each pylon. At least one must be from a demon lord. It reads as if dictated from someone who did it. Upon completion, there will be a burst of force energy (bomb blast). The pillars affect the land around it; the plug creates a warp field (i.e. abyssal radiation). The seal lasts for 1000 years. Premature destruction of the seal causes corruption of the land around it as the essence spills out. The technology was learned via resurrection of an ancient elven druid, who used the pylons to ward against the Fae realm. 2. DFR: Kill or maim one or multiple demon lords. Includes speculation as to whether lords are immortal or vulnerable on their home plane. 3. Deflection: More effective and lasts longer than planar plugs. Need 3 pylons on home plane and 1 on destination plane. Lasts longer than plugs. Condemns the "target" plane to demonic invasion.  

The Second Cant of Saepha
Entry 23

I cast aside my lady’s gift, consumed with doubt Bound by terror, unable to take another step “Who am I to wield such a Blade?” I cried Blind in the face of apotheosis* “Their numbers are endless Their rage indomitable And I, mere flesh Incapable Weak"   And then She Spoke:   “By my grace, your flesh will be made as Steel. Your Will made diamond, Your Hand as flame. You will give no quarter to Life-devourers And no mercy to those that betray Us You will suffer ten thousand blows, And still you will rise, stronger. This I promise my oath-sworn. Be not afraid, my Child I am here with you, Unbound by time As your breath Your soul   (Singing) Where I once held the rod of a scholar I now held the blade of a king Though I once spoke the words of a pauper Words soar on divinity’s wing Blind are the suffering masses, beset on all sides by the beasts Wise are the seven on seven, made ready in solitude’s keep Glory, the Order of Saepha Glory, the Blades in the Dark Glory, the sacrifice taken Glory, the battle still fought The gracious ones named it a Blood War For us, it is solemnly vowed Make ready the weapons of vengeance Unbroken, unyielding and proud   * alternatively translated as “metamorphosis”

The First Cant of Saepha
Entry 22

Where celestial grace fled, I beheld a vision infernal. A Great Blood War, waged by the Accursed and the Profane. A ceaseless hunger, for blood, souls, steel, and arcana. A cosmic doom, eternal and unending.   My eyes failed and my heart faltered. To bloody and torn knees, I fell.   And then, I beheld another vision.   A maiden of immutable splendor, and the first spirit of vengeance. Clad in pearl-iron (translation is rough here), she wielded twin blades of fire and light.   Saepha, Maiden of Purity, Bane to the Maw-Beasts.   In despair, I beseeched her, and she came. In pain, I doubted her, and she remained. In resolve, I embraced her And she bequeathed me her blade.   Ten thousand years of vigilance. Ten thousand years of will. Ten thousand years of battle. And another ten thousand, still.   I am her blade, eternally honed. I am unbroken, her shield. I am her destiny, incarnate. I am her Vengeance, revealed.

The Road to Nonazar
Entry 21

We are setting out towards Nonazar in order to learn more about what happened to us inside the foglands. There, I may have an opportunity to meet my Order in person, for better or worse.   We depart under a new banner: The Company of the Dancing Dragon.

The Prophecy of the Deep
Entry 20

"More ancient than all the mountains' peaks, it returns; it shall return, frighted with memories and dreams before time, it returns; it shall return, the lost wash home, hail the host, it returns; it shall return, the Heart of the Sea's calling and can not be unheard, it returns; it shall return." - Inscribed above the Nethrian Chapel

The Flood
Entry 19

COLAF has been overtaken by water elementals. We will attempt to enter the city and determine the situation at hand.

Blood War
Entry 2

We encountered two servants of Baphomet. I longed to destroy them, but my compatriots wished to avoid battle and I'm no use to the Order scrapped. I will return for their skulls.   The one called "Gaucho" seems particularly craven.

The Order of Saepha
Entry 18

Earliest records of the Order date to about 175 years ago. They have grown more fanatical over time, but have shrunk considerably in size and manpower. They've been expelled from various cities, including COLAF and Nonazar, as their hardline stance has won them many foes. At one point, they had a temple called the Halls of Saepha. They have attempted to end the Blood War by conquering demonic planes one layer at a time. They believe death in battle against the infernal menace secures a place in a holy plane called Bytopia.   The Order is lost. I am bathed in her glory. I will free this plane from the encroaching maw.

The Return of the (True?) Order
Entry 17

After we returned the Dragon Orb to Cyril, a group claiming to be my compatriots at the Order arrived at the Foglight seeking me out. I must figure out if they are truly my former comrades, or if they too are vile pretenders.

Elemental Equations
Entry 16

As a large volley of acidic rock hurtled towards my face, I had a revelation. Our service to Gaucho has led us into flooded caves, a supernatural forge, and now, an ancient mine. There is an elemental connection. I must consult Aripip about this when we return to the Foglight.

Lords of the Abyss
Entry 15

I've learned that demon lords assume a name given to them by those they subjugate. It is historically understood that speaking their true name leaves them vulnerable to magical binding, although some scholars disagree...or are too terrified to entertain such a notion.

Sealing the Gate
Entry 14

I must find a way to seal off this plane from the Abyss forever. I should start by doing research, and figuring out how the Order fits into all this, if at all. Their failure to make progress troubles me.

A Conduit of Power
Entry 9

I have located a Stone of Ayoun, which Ascon used to forge my blade into a song-worthy weapon. I can feel Saepha's raw, eminent will coursing through my entire being. Truly, I am bathed in Her light.

Her Will is My Destiny
Entry 13

My Order has found me. They demand I return with them. Sadly, they lack my vision for ending the Abyssal threat. I will kill them if I must.

The Foglight Tavern
Entry 12

I am now a proud business owner, in partnership with Gaucho and my comrades-in-arms. Malcius has been acting erratic and hostile, and I am vigilant once again. Still, for reasons I can't explain, I feel he will play an earnest role in the grand plan. If I am wrong, it was simply a bad gamble.   I have sent for my Order.

Infernal Speed
Entry 11

I have conquered a fiendish mare. Ride forth, Duskscream, as a weapon of justice.

They Scream
Entry 10

I stepped foot in the Abyss and gazed into a storm of manifest suffering. I see now what truly matters...what I must do to end this threat. My resolve has never been greater. The Order is too weak to face this vast evil in its current state. Perhaps our old path was ill-scouted. Perhaps this task falls to me.

Vile Blood
Entry 8

We encountered a Yugaloth on the road. It nearly struck me down, but Saepha's grace found me yet again. The fiend was banished to the Abyss. This isn’t over. I will find him in the pits.

Finding the Order
Entry 7

We met a disturbing creature beneath Horwin's Wood. His uncanny knowledge is both fascinating and repulsive. To find the Order, I must head towards Nonazar, and then west through a great jungle towards a rocky crag. I will follow the Party north to Port Polimar before departing in earnest.

The Sarcophagus Blade
Entry 6

I have found a mysterious blade buried in a sarcophagus. I can practically feel its eminence.

Unexpected Comrades
Entry 4

My companions and I have fought ferociously to escape the fog realm. They are strange, but dependable. We have arrived in a marvelous city called COLAF. I will find my way from here.

I Love Gambling
Entry 5


Terror of Terrors
Entry 3

I have a new face, courtesy of my snake friend. To destroy evil, I must understand it.

What Happened?
Entry 1

I have awoken in a strange and confusing place, with people I don't know. I must return to my Order.


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