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I am the Blade lost to the Dark. I am the Weapon of Purity. I am Saepha's Will on earth.   I am Purpose. I am Radiance. I am Vengeance.   I am the Adjudicator.

Campaign & Party

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Sun 8th Sep 2024 11:19

The Journal Entry’s title

by Adjudicator

Begin writing your story here...

Adjudicator's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Adjudicator's history, from the beginning to today.

Fought in the Blood War

As we hurtled down the Styx, we were accosted by multiple demons. We battled them briefly before witnessing the arrival of a supreme devil, turning the tide of battle. We made our escape with haste.

01:28 am - 09.09.2024

Traveled the Styx

We reached the river Styx, the winding channel that unites the hells. We said goodbye to Minza and were led away by a strange being called the Ferryman.

11:34 pm - 08.09.2024

Found a Map to the Dragon Gate

After defeating the cult of Tiamat, we discovered a map to the Dragon Gate: a portal that can be used to access the infernal layer of Dis.

04:44 am - 04.08.2024

Defeated the Cult of Tiamat

We encountered several worshippers of Tiamat while assisting Minza. We defeated them, although it was a costly battle.

04:30 am - 04.08.2024

Found Obelisk of Tiamat

We found an obsidian obelisk that seemed to transfer power from Ascon to a far-off location. It was associated with the servants of Tiamat. It appeared to give Ascon a wisdom boon, at the cost of his vitality. I recalled rumors that Tiamat was shackled to the plane of Avernus by Asmodeus, Archdevil of the 9th Circle.

01:26 am - 04.08.2024

Unholy Alliance

Our temporary ally Minza, a fallen Aasimar met at Dante's Saloon, informed me of a profane rumor; that Demogorgon and Baphomet may be joining forces in order to claim ground in the unholy Blood War. I will report this to my Order as soon as possible....

12:59 am - 04.08.2024

Met Minza the Aasimar

We met an Aasimar named Minza at Dante's saloon in Avernus. We agreed to help him obtain 20 soul coins in exchange for his assistance in a barfight.

04:48 am - 22.06.2024

Barfight at Dante's

A Yugaloth tried to turn the room against us at Dante's saloon, citing the infernal bounty on my head. We slaughtered him and several other would-be assailants.

04:43 am - 22.06.2024

Found the Location of Mammon's Portal

"The way home is among the dead trees on the border, where the badlands worsen. An hour east of the razed village; the rendezvous is to be along a hillside. Two days after tournament's end." - Servant of the Lord of Avarice

01:15 am - 02.06.2024

Met Kanzovo the Devil

I met a devil named Kanzovo at the Styx casino. I bribed him into revealing information about the location of the portal that Quentin uses to traffic with Mammon's agents.

11:57 pm - 01.06.2024

Gave the seal to Quentin

I gave Quentin the Seal of Mammon and convinced him I am an agent of the Lord of Greed. He confirmed a portal to the Hells will open at the Styx at some point in the future.

02:21 am - 11.05.2024

Received a gift from Liora

The devil Liora gave me a Seal of Mammon as a "gift."

01:25 am - 11.05.2024

Met Lahdia the Drow

I met a Drow at the Afterlife casino named Lahdia. He is competing in the grand Three Dragon Ante tournament.

12:27 am - 28.04.2024

My name is Barthalamus Scrimm.

12:25 am - 28.04.2024

Met Verity Qye

We met a Tiefling named Verity Qye. She was tasked by the Order with leading us to her former business partner, Quentin, who may have connections with a Devil. I persuaded her to agree.

02:57 am - 13.04.2024

The Communal Prayer

Vengeance we shall be; For Thee, my Lady, for Thee; Power hath descended forth from Thy hand; That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command; That we strike down upon evil with no Quarter from Thee; And a bloody river forth we shall flow free; And ...

01:32 am - 13.04.2024

Found the Order of Saepha

We have located the Order. Everything has led to this.

01:04 am - 13.04.2024

Ten thousand years of vigilance. Ten thousand years of will. Ten thousand years of battle. And another ten thousand, still. I am her blade, eternally honed. I am unbroken, her shield. I am her destiny, incarnate. I am her Vengeance, revealed.

12:45 am - 13.04.2024

Traveling to the Order of Saepha.

We set out to locate my Order and make plans to prepare for the Blood War.

11:23 pm - 12.04.2024

I hid the Nethrian candle with Aripip and Sawtooth.

03:56 pm - 31.03.2024

Return of Jerko

"Jerko" has arrived at the Tavern. This is a good opportunity to learn more about his true nature. We suspect he is the former Archmage Qraggius, creator of Fogfull.

03:43 am - 16.03.2024

"Saepha has granted me a vision: a place of power; a blue infernum. You must return with your followers to the Halls within a fortnight. We shall take what our Lady demands."

03:29 am - 16.03.2024

Met the Devil Liora

We met the devil Liora. She appeared in the form of an old beggar. She offered me information on the abyssal bounties on my head. She handed me a symbol of Dispater, ruler of Dis, and offered to talk more when the time is right.

03:13 am - 16.03.2024

Oathsworn: Edrylliar

Edrylliar has sworn an oath to defend Mystarium from the Blood War.

01:09 am - 16.03.2024

"Maiden of the High Inquisition: guide my blade in victory and in defeat. The Day of the Trial grows near, and I must be ready to serve you, as is your will."

12:37 am - 10.12.2023

Tactical Analysis: The fire giants of Muspelheim have nested their forge-citadel among a dense, replenishing food supply. Field sorties could survive off this strange land, but I suspect they may need to return and resupply with relative frequency. Their war-like nature and metallurgic proficiency would surely see them conquer larger swathes of land in the absence of considerable environmental challenges. We should be wary of all entrances and exits, and consider having Ari or a member of the Path assert overwatch from a roof or similar location.

02:59 pm - 15.10.2023


After a memorable night with the party, Zira, and masochistic patrons, I finally managed to sleep for the first time.

02:35 am - 24.10.2022

Mark my words, I will take the head of the Sibilant Prince and mount it on the gates of the City of Light and Fire.

01:56 am - 24.10.2022

Met Zira the Drow

We met a curious drow in Nonazar named Zira. She's eccentric and invited us to join her and her compatriot at the Temple of Loviatar for some "fun."

02:03 am - 14.10.2022

Knowledge Lost, Salvation Found

The Tome (author unknown) called "Endless Slaughter" describes three ways to potentially ameliorate the threat of the Blood War: I. Planar Plugs II. Demonic Force Reduction III. Planar Deflection Additionally, a nameless black tome (author unknow...

12:45 am - 14.10.2022

The Second Cant of Saepha

I cast aside my lady’s gift, consumed with doubt Bound by terror, unable to take another step “Who am I to wield such a Blade?” I cried Blind in the face of apotheosis* “Their numbers are endless Their rage indomitable And I, mere flesh ...

12:01 am - 14.10.2022

The First Cant of Saepha

Where celestial grace fled, I beheld a vision infernal. A Great Blood War, waged by the Accursed and the Profane. A ceaseless hunger, for blood, souls, steel, and arcana. A cosmic doom, eternal and unending. My eyes failed and my heart faltered....

11:48 pm - 13.10.2022

Arrived in Nonazar

We have arrived in the ancient city of Nonazar. Its denizens seem stern and wary of outsiders, but their knowledge will undoubtedly prove useful.

10:41 pm - 18.09.2022

The Company of the Dancing Dragon

In the fires of friendship, we have been forged anew. All will remember our name.

10:47 pm - 12.09.2022

The Road to Nonazar

We are setting out towards Nonazar in order to learn more about what happened to us inside the foglands. There, I may have an opportunity to meet my Order in person, for better or worse....

10:43 pm - 12.09.2022

Sentience is hell.

10:41 pm - 12.09.2022

Nord Upgrades His Shop

We have set Nord up in the seldom-used alchemy lab. There, he will ply his trade in superior fashion.

10:41 pm - 12.09.2022

Gaucho has lost his senses and fallen into the throes of addiction. We will support him as best we can in this troubling time.

10:40 pm - 12.09.2022

Returned the Oblex to Rezak

We brought a hideous mass called an "Oblex" to Rezak. Upon completing the task, Aripip attempted to procure its freedom, angering Rezak. We must win back his trust if we intend to conduct further dealings with this mysterious "Ilithid."

01:58 am - 18.08.2022

Vile mockery!

07:57 pm - 24.07.2022

Evil will be destroyed in all of its forms.

12:24 am - 13.06.2022

Champions of the Arena

Edrylliar and I defeated two monstrous beasts in the fighting pit, winning a large sum of prize money in the process.

05:19 am - 04.06.2022

Behold, Ascon the Reforged; Heir to the Divine Flame, and the next Exalted Illuminator.

03:16 am - 04.06.2022

Squashed the Beef with Hammit

I'm no better than him. We are assaulted on all sides, and he's surviving the only way he can.

02:29 am - 21.05.2022

The Reaffirmation

Ed and Ascon have mended their trust. This is a momentous day for our band of brothers.

12:25 am - 21.05.2022

The Prophecy of the Deep

"More ancient than all the mountains' peaks, it returns; it shall return, frighted with memories and dreams before time, it returns; it shall return, the lost wash home, hail the host, it returns; it shall return, the Heart of the Sea's calling and can no...

11:29 pm - 20.05.2022

"The Empire of your tide will never rise."

12:50 am - 04.04.2022

Smote the Nethrian Heart

We found a profane, living relic of Nethras adjacent to COLAF. After a storied battle, Edrylliar and I raised our weapons and smote the foul heart.

12:46 am - 04.04.2022

"The circle closes all the same, coming back to meet its beginnings. Ages end, heroes die, the tide returns."

09:39 pm - 03.04.2022

It’s time to build a weapon of war that will break the abyssal tide. It’s time for the Colossus Initiative.

07:00 pm - 20.03.2022

Reunited with Carl

Carl has manned his post in COLAF for nearly 50 days. He is a paragon of courage.

02:04 am - 28.02.2022

The Flood

COLAF has been overtaken by water elementals. We will attempt to enter the city and determine the situation at hand....

01:19 am - 28.02.2022

"You know what you are, Adjudicator? You're my friend."

12:17 am - 28.02.2022

The Order

Earliest records of the Order date to about 175 years ago. They have grown more fanatical over time, but have shrunk considerably in size and manpower. They've been expelled from various cities, including COLAF and Nonazar, as their hardline stance has wo...

12:02 am - 28.02.2022

Holy Symbol in Blade

Ascon has placed my holy symbol inside of my mighty blade. This is a boon indeed.

11:41 pm - 27.02.2022

Cyril wishes to see me on matters related to business. I will visit him tomorrow.

03:05 am - 13.02.2022

Returned the Dragon Orb to House Massourac

We returned the Dragon Orb to Cyril in exchange for a Blood War allegiance and an expanded partnership with Gaucho. He indicated that there may be an opportunity to obtain an Ioun stone on Edrylliar's behalf.

05:03 am - 28.11.2021

The Return of the (True?) Order

After we returned the Dragon Orb to Cyril, a group claiming to be my compatriots at the Order arrived at the Foglight seeking me out. I must figure out if they are truly my former comrades, or if they too are pretenders. ...

04:56 am - 28.11.2021

"Let this libation honor the Tiefling kin that I slaughtered as an Order Inquisitor. If I give my life during this mission, let it be but a small atonement for the many sins I have committed."

03:21 am - 28.11.2021

"Well, Jean-Luc, it's off to death...or fortune."

03:00 am - 28.11.2021

Elemental Equations

As a large volley of acidic rock hurtled towards my face, I had a revelation. Our service to Gaucho has led us into flooded caves, a supernatural forge, and now, an ancient mine. There is an elemental connection. I must consult Aripip about this when we r...

11:18 pm - 26.10.2021

Defeated the Mine Dragon

We fought a valiant battle against a powerful foe and dispatched him with ease. He was not slain, and I expect him to find us later in a quest for revenge. He does not seem like one to break his promises.

11:16 pm - 26.10.2021

Cyril bid me find an orb-shaped artifact in the scorched mines. I managed to locate it as the caverns were collapsing around us.

03:18 am - 25.10.2021

Lords of the Abyss

I've learned that demon lords assume a name given by those they subjugate; it is historically understood that speaking their true name exposes them to binding magic, although some scholars disagree...or are simply too terrified to entertain such a notion....

08:25 pm - 24.10.2021

Sealing the Gate

I must find a way to seal off this plane from the Abyss forever. I should start by doing research, and figuring out how the Order fits into all this. ...

09:30 pm - 26.09.2021

The attackers from the market were associated with the Cult of the Dark Prodigy. This is troubling and warrants further investigation.

09:24 pm - 26.09.2021

I wonder how Ascon is doing on his adventure.

08:40 pm - 02.08.2021

Free drinks for life for Clete and Billy.

11:29 pm - 08.07.2021

Fight at the Fish Market

Strange creatures posed as my comrades at the Order. They nearly took my life, and slaughtered town guards with no hesitation. I must learn more about this in my studies, and make further battle plans with Gaucho.

12:51 am - 03.07.2021

What...was that?

12:32 am - 03.07.2021

This strange bodyguard moves with impressive skill. As for the fishguard, I admire his courage and mettle.

11:47 pm - 02.07.2021

(screaming at a dwarf) "I will illuminate the darkness, not you!"

10:52 pm - 02.07.2021

Drew Weapons Against the Order

Hylaetha commanded me to return to the Order stronghold. I will not abandon my Mission. I will kill her if I must.

03:39 pm - 27.06.2021

"I am no longer the mindless weapon you lost in the darkness. I am more radiant than you will ever be. I am Saepha's will."

03:36 pm - 27.06.2021

Hylaetha is here! I'm sure she'll be excited to see me.

02:53 pm - 27.06.2021

I sure hope the Tavern makes lots of gold today!

10:48 pm - 17.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Adjudicator.

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Other Characters by mike21290