Angel's Chains of Binding

This 8 foot length of chain is weighted with a ball on each end. It can be wielded like a dual mace or flail, striking with the balls. The Vampires true name is written all along the length of the chain in Angelic. So it will be especially damaging to him. Also, if you can bind him in the chain he will be magically transported to wherever The Angel, Aliyah is and she will force him to take his spell off of Emily Physic.   The picture above is not 100% accurate as the ends are weighted balls on this item while the picture shows cutting edges. But this item is designed to bind, and the weighted balls make that action easier that cutting edges do.   These chains were successfully used to bind and transport the Vampire to the Angel and the Vampire has never been seen again, nor has the Angel.  But it is assumed the Angel defeated the Vampire.  These chains are thus lust to the world at the moment.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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